The better version of Terraria because of the amazing modding community, a one of a kind masterpiece.

A masterpiece in the gaming world, if you're not playing this because you think it is 2D Minecraft, you're an unintelligent pussy, this game has unparralleled progression and variety. As well as amazing boss battles and gear/weapons. You HAVE to play this game if you like RPGs, this game also has a modding community which is extremely active and makes this game EVEN better, truly in my opinion, one of the best video games of all time.

A fun game with the bois for a day or two and then you never play it ever again.

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Red is sus.

League of Legends but it is Pokemon.

Literally a copy of Overwatch, but worse.

I think this game could have been great if it was not P2W for the extremely good cards and if the banlist was accurate, other then that this game is pretty good if you want to get into Yu-Gi-Oh!

Unironically a masterpiece in the psychological horror genre, not because this game is actually scary or anything, but because of the amount of emotional damage this will cause to you when you decide to play this, unless if you're someone who never gets mad at video games, you're going to be having a wild time with this. The controls are MEANT to be shit, this game is suppose to be irritating, which it does very very well. The graphics are surprisingly very nice and there is a reward if you complete this game 50 times, I myself have I think completed it around 30 times, never got to 50 because I had other things to do but I honestly found it very fun when I got use to the controls. It also has a modding community, so there ya go even more content. Recommend this to any masochists or people who just want to get mad a video game for a bit.

Even though I have not played it much, this is a very good and relaxing game to play with friends. The graphics are simple but nice, and there is a lot of variety in terms of gear and weapons. Gameplay is again, simple, but very fun, and everything is relatively balanced. Nothing is very broken or very shit. Overall Splatoon 2 is a very relaxing and at a lot of times, competitive game! Only reason it is not a 5 is because of my replayability issue if it, which is just me being lazy lmfao. Recommend anyone who liked Splatoon 1 or just wants something new to play to buy this game.

Keeping this short and sweet, locking the cosmetics under a unjust paywall, were unlike in the original (Overwatch 1) you can get every single cosmetic for, no joke, completely free if you just played is ludicrous. As well as making the game less competitive and ACCIDENTLY buffing already broken characters like Sojourn. The devs can't even balance properly without fucking up. The base gameplay itself is fun but repetitive, community being extremely toxic for no reason. Really, it is just that all the negatives out weigh all the positives, which, if being honest, I can count on 1 hand.

Haven't 100% the game, plan on doing that, however this is one of the best Pokemon games in my opinion, the Open World setting is very well done and all the new Pokemon are very cool and original. The story is also very intriguing and personally, I was on the edge of my seat while playing! Recommend this to veteran and new Pokemon fans!

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl was huge...for like a month and then nobody played it ever again, probably because of the lack of variety. This game is just...okay, not worth the price at all but if you have some spare cash YOU could try playing it, then again you might not queue into anyone because nobody plays this anymore, its competition like Smash just has more of everything.

Apex is just a better Fortnite, Warface, Warframe, Destiny, etc lmfao, I think it is really balanced and a very fun game. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to try FPS games, and developed by EA! Surprising considering they ruin franchises most of the time hehe.

I loved Smash, have quit playing (might resume) for a bit just to relax, but I think this is the most balanced Smash game, with a few characters being a bit unbalanced (Pikachu, Steve, Pyra/Mythra), but I think this game should be played by everyone because of how recognizable all the characters how. Only reason why I am not giving it 5 stars is because again, some characters are not balanced properly and because competitive Smash does not get supported by Nintendo all that much, in fact they actively work against it in some cases. Nintendo, do better <3