11 Reviews liked by bundaa

i didn't think 01 had particularly enjoyable gameplay but just a few hours of this already made me miss it, honestly did not expect this to have combat that somehow feels worse than fucking Dragon Quest I (1986) on the NES. legitimately some of the most frictionless, slow, poorly thought-out combat design i've ever seen, the only thing that even slightly redeems it is the turbo button but even then playing through it feels like experiencing ego death, actual kuso.

all that being said, the incredibly funny writing and flavorful translation (seriously, amazing work here) definitely helped me get through it. also much, much more enjoyable script in the moment-to-moment than 01 even if the plot pretty much goes nowhere, which i wouldn't have a problem with if it didn't feel like they just gave up having any sort of conclusion at the end. love all the witches though, excited for them to appear again.

really tried to force myself to finish this because i thought there'd be anything of worth here but outside of takada's soundtrack (which might actually be some of his best work) there really isn't.

it's like a suda game made by people who think suda's games are only composed of random movie references (90% of Sylvia's scenes in this are just an awful Paris, Texas pastiche for no real reason other than shoving her tits on your face) and over-the-top "what were they on making this 🤣🤣" humor. without suda's manic character writing and personal reflections on alienation with the repetition and aimlessness of daily life (which the methodical structure and mostly empty open world of the first game contributed to) it just feels like a cheap and exploitative power fantasy. it's noticeable suda was more hands-on with TSA because just from what i've played of it, it already feels way more self-reflective and well thought-out than this dreck.

was NOT expecting to like this as much as i did, holy shit this rocked. i'm often mixed on urobuchi's works because while i love his quirks and style (like the intentional anticlimaxes, the unique way he deals with morality in his stories and the dramatic irony that's present in a lot of his characters' arcs) i never feel it all really comes together. but this hit all the notes for me in a way i wish fate/zero, saya no uta or even kamen rider gaim did (madoka fucking rules though). just a completely unhinged and twisted take on the hero's journey and wuxia that still manages to understand and capture the heart of why these stories work, all complete with some of his most insane action scenes. also features a much better rendition of twisted love than whatever saya no uta was trying to do imo. there's definitely problems i can point to, like the beginning being very rough and the story only coming into its own later on but it leaves such a strong impression that i can honestly mostly ignore them.
just a very fun time overall and definitely my second favorite Nitro+ VN now, only behind Muramasa for my actual favorite.

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As someone who spent a lot of time going back and forth on just how much she liked Tsukihime, I don’t think its reputation is entirely unearned. It has a lot of stilted writing and translations, repeated content even across scenes that you’re not allowed to skip, and a less-than-perfect handling of sexual violence in its H-scenes that most people have probably heard about. It’s not perfect, but I think it deserved to be engaged with in a genuine way and not let its messiness define it (well, in a way it does and that’s cool, but it’s better if people don’t do it in an ironic way).

I really like what’s at the heart of Tsukihime—a bunch of chance encounters and events that shape the lives of the characters in very drastic ways yet allow them to become people who understand themselves and others more. I love that Arcueid is a chance encounter that’s absent from the Far Side routes because Shiki didn’t see her that one day. I love how Satsuki’s absence from class, brushed aside once the action in the Near Side routes gets going, takes on a whole new meaning once you see what she’s up to at the start of Akiha’s route. I love the way Eclipse ties every route and everything that happened together in a way that really makes the story feel complete. I think it’s easy to find a lot of the stuff that’s great about this VN in the other works it inspired, but they’re just as good on their own merit in the place they came from as well. Very much worth reading for anyone who feels that they’re able to.

gay nerds fighting: the visual novel

4.5 stars for the child abuse scene

Ah... Kohaku-san... is gaming...

don't trust any fate pfp mfers in this site

Surprisingly sincere and well-told story. Couldn't exist in any other medium

ridiculously good for a nukige. i hope to see more of clockwork's stuff follow in this game's direction. WHY IS EVERY WITCH HOT.