The Four Horsemen of the Gen 7 Apocalypse

Every single-player AAA game now is just a mixture of the DNA of these four games, all released in 2007.

"Environmental storytelling" and lore delivered through audio logs and journal entries. RPG-lite weapon and ability upgrades. And clever metanarratives, for when AAA developers try to get philosophical and arthouse.
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed
The basic open world formula that literally every game uses, even Breath of the Wild to an extent. We will never escape it. Modern AAA game design is just coming up with different ways to repackage Assassin's Creed 1.

Arguably its combat system as well. And maybe even its diegetic gameplay mechanics and hud (using the Animus to explain gamey stuff). Most people have forgotten this game, but it's one of the most influential of all time.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect
Bioware-style companion relationships, basic morality systems, and illusion of choice. Basic dialogue options.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
"Cinematic" gameplay (God of War, The Last of Us, basically every big Sony game), basic brain-dead puzzles, and useless buddy characters that tag along and develop through mid-gameplay dialogue.


1 year ago

Opened this up only seeing the title and thinking it was going to be about competitive Pokemon

8 months ago

incin snorlax koko lando

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