If valve makes this canon, i'll eat 2 carolina reapers at once

pretty good time killer, and also a pretty good anger inducer.


wouldnt open, the steam forums for this game are dead, no google results for my glitch, and their customer support didnt even answer my email.
wouldnt be surprised if this turned out to be a scam.

a persona fighting game actually worked

I Ran for my fucking life after witnessing my friend getting murdered by a snail looking mf
worth the 1.5k views though

Royal is more worth playing, but if you have a PS4 and don't wanna pay the extra money for royal, or if you only have a PS3, this i'll do just fine

Why did jaker take steroids? is he addicted?

how the fuck did they manage to port this?

noir vulture made me feel things i never knew i could feel

grimlock and metroplex felt underused in the story but besides, the game is really fucking good

i mainly give this rating due to the fun i can have shinyhunting on the ultra space ride

metal gear rising but transformers, no stealth and no hot ninjas and politicians trying to kill you

imagine fall of cybertron, but its slow boring garbage

pretty good story and spooky at times, funny if played with friends by your side.