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When people mention DNF and how much of a failure it was, both in character and gameplay, many like to bring up this DLC for it being better then the base game, and it being overlooked. And I can't blame anyone for making that assumption. This was released just 5 months after the final release of DNF, and by that point the damage was already done. No one was willing to give it a chance.

But unfortunately, I don't think this DLC redeems DNF one bit, or as much as people want to admit, and that's after two whole playthroughs.

Lemme be clear: it is SLIGHTLY better then base game DNF. But almost ANYTHING is better then base DNF.

Let's get into the pros first:

-Combat is more emphasized and comes in quicker!
It's good that the first part of this expansion isn't just dicking around for an hour hearing unfunny jokes. You actually get into actual GAMEPLAY rather fast which is appreciated, and some of the new weapons like the returning expander aren't that bad either. But this unfortunately has it's own issues as we'll get into later.

-The writing is kinda better(?)
-Yes, Duke is less of an ass in this DLC and it's much appreciated. But better writing for Duke can't negate the cons this DLC has, which vastly outweighs all the good stuff. For one, not only does the DLC continue the incredibly unfunny and greasy humor from the base game, but also... Captain Dillon.

This stupid, annoying ass motherfucker follows you for around 75% of the campaign, and it's so AWFUL. Every moment of dead air he's trying to throw in some unfunny rethort or joke about his dick and balls or yelling profanities. At least in base game DNF, he was annoying, sure, but you only saw him in small moments, usually at the end of chapters. Here, you actively have him by your side for most of the campaign, and that alone makes this DLC's writing WORSE then the base game if you ask me, and utterly intolerable.

But above all else, DNF's combat is BORING. Putting the player in more combat situations means nothing when it's still brainless and boring as hell. Enemies are still the same bulletsponges they were in the base game, regerating health STILL doesn't belong in a Duke game, and the new weapons are still quickly outclassed by the 4 best weapons that you'll always keep in your inventory (shotgun, ripper, RPG, devastator).

Maybe for the time this was seen as a step in the right direction after the failure of the base game, but unfortunately with the power of hindsight I just can't see that at all. It still carries too many of base DNF's issues and makes some of them worse if you ask me. If you want a good OFFICIAL modern duke experience, play Alien World Order (20th Anniversary World Tour's exclusive episode) in a actual good sourceport like Eduke or something. It's much better and more fulfilling then whatever this was. You're missing nothing if you decide to skip this. Never again.