Cute concept and design. I stayed for the music and chill pips online. They do recommend good stuff too such as movies, books, and new hobbies to try out. If you're like me that gets anxious interacting with people online but wants good wholesome connection without exposing yourself too much, you may want to check this out. :)

It's alright, would recommend to buy it when on sale.

Interesting and haunting at the same time. I really hope there will be a remake in the near future. :)

Good game, better -- when you have friends to play with.

I'm not seeing anyone mentioned the music here so I'll just drop by and say the overall soundtrack is amazing. I would also like to share my appreciation to its model and concept design quality. The narrative in general was alright, kind of short tho. For the most part, I'm satisfied with the gameplay although, there were certain events that didn't need to have quick actions just to progress in the main event.

Aight, when's the next episode release?

Can be either peaceful or chaotic in a funny way. I'm glad the server on PS has improved a lot than the last time I visited the game. I like how I can play with others without having any direct interactions to each other. Really fun but can get boring if you played it non-stop. Take your time and enjoy. :)

I hope they add more death animations.

It gets pretty tiring quickly; not recommended for long-term sessions. If you're still planning to buy it, just wait for 70%-80% off.

Almost a perfect game for Trekkers like me.