3 reviews liked by catt_


Obtuse, quirky, obscure masterpiece as usual from this legendary studio and from the most amazing, thriving, experimental and interesting era of videogames ever to exist (IMHO). I didn't know there was a recent translated Novel based on this game, so I'm already on it to continue my journey.


If you're a fan of Final Fantasy I find it hard to believe you would dislike this game.

This is fan-service done right. Amazing visuals, super polished and fun combat, addicting multiplayer, great music and a very entertaining story.

The only reason I don't give this a 5/5 is simply because 012 took this concept and just improved upon it in every way and added even more characters to an already fantastic cast.

Background: I picked this game up in 2016. Why? I was and remain a fan of 3 things in video games:
1st person sword and shield action games.
Source Engine games
Games which are cheap

First of all, this game is cheap and accessible. I got this on sale for like a single euro, A single euro!! It runs on the source engine, which means that if you own a machine that can process word documents over 10 pages long, you will be able to play this on medium settings.

Story - I heard once that there are people who care about this game's story. If you do care about this story, do not hesitate to contact me, I would like to bully you directly.

Graphics - Pretty world, character models are ugly as sin, but it's okay, I do not care.

What really matters - The game is by far the best first person sword and shield game available on the market. I've been desperately looking for a better one for 4 years. Nothing plays as good as this.

I say this knowing full well that this game plays like garbage. Archer builds heavily drop off by the end of the game when enemies start doing speed before chasing you down. Wizard builds are weak at the start before the magic roid rage at the end of the game, sword and shield is the most balanced all through the game, but only because the enemies will be ready to beat you up at all times.

The game is brutally flawed, and sometimes I wonder about how much better this game could be if it was made on anything more than a shoestring budget in a small studio somewhere in the Mistake of France (or Lyon, as it's better known).

Yet, the more shortcomings the game this game threw at me the more tools it gave me to overcome them. It is a game that begs you to exploit it, and the most fun you will get is when you finally learn its rules and most importantly, to break them.