Good fun, pretty tight platforming, combat got a bit repetitive. Story and setting are the highlights.

Really really good. Quite slow and confusing to begin with, but justified the hype. I feel like I played it in a very boring (read: normal) way. I'll probably play it again at some point in a much much weirder way.

Fine. The final act made no sense, the plot was pretty good up to that point. Combat was pretty forgiving.

Good fun. Good core gameplay loop, good setting. Got a bit easy by the end though.

Really good. Not as hard as Two Point Campus, but still bags of fun.

Good fun, but IMO not as special as the hype.

I actually enjoyed the sushi restaurant more than the diving, so felt like the balance was a bit off. But overall, very good fun.

Good fun. Lots of creativity/sheer madness while trying to pull of clearly flawed plans.


Really enjoyable. Very tight combat, good learning curve - the difficulty spikes for each of the bosses seem insurmountable initially, but then you chip away at them and by the time you run through again to reduce your age they seem dead easy.

It's a bit shallow, but what it does, it does incredibly well.

Really really good. Got a bit easy by the end (and then a huge difficulty spike with the final boss, who I don't think was set up as well as it could have been). Don't listen to the negative launch stuff - in 2024 it's a great game.

Good combat, good fun. Silly plot, and became very easy towards the end - I wasn't overlevelled, but it felt like it. Would have liked to see even more classic FF enemies too.

If you are a big FF fan, you'll enjoy this. If you're a Souls fan you'll probably enjoy this - not the best of the genre, not the worst.

Story is gloriously silly before becoming genuinely good in the last couple of hours.

Perfectly fine. Quite fun. But it just felt very same-y throughout. It didn't really feel like the bosses had many different tactics or approaches. Just fine.

Excellent combat. A very good entry point to the Souls-like genre - it's pretty forgiving (after the tutorial level, which is very much not forgiving!). Too much loot, not a great plot, but very good gameplay.