It takes sit there and click to another realm.

Could never get into it. I was hoping it would be kind of like Rimworld but without the non-prisoner aspects, but it never clicked for me.

Went through a few times but I just couldn't really get into it. I can handle text-based games but something about this one wasn't vibing for me.

It's like Resident Evil in a school. Everyone dies and we look up a high schooler's skirt which in retrospect is creepy.

I'm a chicken and hate horror games. I figured I could go through a game in a retro style that's about a murderous Easter bunny and be fine. Nah. The Easter Ripper genuinely scared the shit out of me, as did the house in general. I felt super tense throughout the game, but it was fun. The controls could feel jank at times, but that also fits the vibe the game is going for so I can't really hold that against it.

Overall I liked Murder House, I'm irreparably scarred, and my experience got me to buy the books and other games from Puppet Combo too.

It is a fun time with plenty of choices. The puzzles aren't particularly difficult but I liked getting the perks and advancing through different characters' stories. I've made it through multiple times and only have about 7 characters left to get to 100%.

Fun little game with interesting puzzles. I was hoping for more to be honest. I managed to get all achievements on Steam in nearly an hour. It wasn't very long but if you can get it for pretty cheap it is a fun game.

Actually an awesome first game from the developer. I enjoyed all the characters, the MC doesn't fall into the trope of being either a fumbling idiot or creep, and I liked the story. Obligatory mention that Violet was best girl.

I wasn't expecting this game to actually be able to manage to capture those feelings from early Facebook and social media in general, but boy did it actually deliver. From the discussions to the writing, it was very nostalgic. Overall I enjoyed the experience and will eventually go back to fully complete the game (I have already gone through Emily and Evelyn).

Honestly just too repetitive and tedious to be fun.

Literally played it to get the achievements quickly. It really wasn't very fun nor interesting.

This was some of the edgelordiest shit I have ever attempted to play.

Surprisingly entertaining and very goofy. It was good to kill a night. Kaori is best girl.


Parkour and guns, who doesn't love that? Reasonable people that don't love the infuriating missions that are poorly thought out and become nearly impossible to beat. I recall enjoying what I was able to play up until a very specific mission. I've honestly tried to forget I played this game over the past 12 years.

This review contains spoilers

I was already pretty mild on the game by the time I beat Mizar, but the whole second part of the game is just too much. In particular, fuck the quarry and its stupid ass vacuum. I’m not going to waste my time doing that absolute shit.