This is the GAME of my childhood for sure. Played it for the most amount of time, had many characters created, more accounts and spent so much time. It has flaws now that i look at it after a long time. Slow, repetitive, but it was the game of the time for me. Enjoyed every second of it!

Nothing different from the first and second. Pretty hard and bad puzzle game. Takes up time and nothing too exciting apart from getting achievements

Just as the first one. click as many buttons as you can and try them out lmao. Achievement showelware.


took me a little more than an hour to complete the game. But sure, it's fun. Aside that the game is basically for getting achievements it's dope and requires you to make thoughtful decisions throughout the game. Pre-think your next move let's say.

For sure, it's a fun game, can't say nothing about it. But ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s just too hard to get a single win. and when u feel like you could be winning, here comes the cheaters. I've encountered a dozen of them already in my 10 hour gameplay

EDIT*: Added up 5 more hours. 20 hackers appear. I even saw the same one in an 30 minutes period of time. It is so annoying and disappointing.

EDIT IN 2023: definetely a fun game. There is an achievement to get 5 wins in a row - def too hard. Someday tho'. fun to put it up from time to time.


Well... This was the easiest game of my life. I got all achievements in like 25 minutes.
The game to get hundreds or thousands of achievements with no effort.

When u turn on the game and search for servers it has none with players. Then u might get lucky when u enter an empty server and u could find another player who joined. that's how it works. Nothing else. But still i enjoy it even if i ahve one enemy

The Game is kinda short. u can make it in 2 hours the first time. Since we played the Villain and the hero, it's time to be in the middle. As a Cop. It was fun tho' . If you love HL. You will love this game. For sure.
Don't miss it

It's really sweet to play as an enemy, who fought against Freeman in original half life.
Completed the game in 5.2 hours. Was fun. Obviously recommend it.

. it's a commynity made map/mod. So keep that in mind for it to not be a great game.
It is really short. You can complete it in 20 minutes or so. Really pissing off loud music. srsly. i can't play with my headphones on. Nice work on the last boss. it was frightning :D if you want to kill some zombies and just have fun by experiencing bugs. Go on. To try it, it's okay. Try it. you won't lose alot of time. Probably even less then me writing this review. Enjoy tho.

The Game is awesome of course. If you are new to this game. It's super long.
For etc. I completed the half-life in 24 hours. Yeah. I explored everything . well 90% atleast.
Second time i'm completing the game. Made It in 5.7 hours. Still exploring most of the spots and all that ♥♥♥♥.
So Keep that in mind.
The Main reason you may be reading all these reviews is because you have no idea what's the difference between Half-life and Half-life Source. None. I'm talking about the script and story. No difference.
On the other hand, The graphics are improved, some monters are improved and changed the look of them.
If you don't want to spend money, don't buy it. If you are a HL fan buy it. Get the speedrun record. do it. The Record is 20:49 minutes btw. So good luck

So many memories in the game. All my childhood days and gaming are related to it. Nostalgic for sure. Although As I can remember I used cheats to play it which is not fair anymore. So it's abandoned but I'll be going to complete the definitive edition for sure.

I definetely enjoyed the few hours I've put in.
Fun when it was crowded. No people play this today...

Outdated? Probably. Enjoyable? Hell yeah. I can't imagine how good it was at it's peak. Retro horror game which I enjoyed.

Okay and not okay at the same time. Gets pretty hard but as a platformer - the game's nothing special tbh.