okay yeah this game owns I get it now, I will never be able to get the image of the temple of time with death mountain in the background out of my head. I just kinda sat there for a second before going off to fight ganondorf. Also I love link's perpetually shocked expression at everything, and the fact that everyone wants to bone him. Oh and god the after credits of everyone dancing brought me to tears that really got me.

loved it alot, will love the other souls games. Meeting Astraea Garland in the Valley of Defilement..god. Fighting alongside Biorr..sick. Watching Ostrava come to his final realization...GOD! ups and downs, the more I read about this world the more I love it. Need to play the original for the vibe at some point...

I just beat Gwyn and I'm sitting here in awe. The area design in the game up until the very end was just perfect. I wish I could walk around in these places. There are these taut moments where every roll counts, yet there's also an eerie peace that cuts through everything. I think my favorite moments were when I could just stare into the game world and well, vibe. And mannnn that fire link music just oooo perfect stuff. Shout out to the onion armor guy you rule, but I stole all your honor....and shout out to the sun guy sorry I let you die too...but hey we made it! next playthrough I'll save the sun guy I swear. Oh and my favorite area would have to be Anor Londo that place just rules oh and the Darkroot Forest Sith was so sick oh oh and honestly the undead burg just for the memories kind of was missing that place in the last quarter! :) But yeah I liked it a lot, gonna need to watch all the lore videos now :p

I had a blast with this game. I really wanted a cinematic, not really thinky game and this did the trick for me. I LOVED Chloe and Nadine's dynamic. I am just a sucker for when a hardened character grows more soft over-time. The open world section was good, it didnt overstay its welcome which was nice. GOD the environments!!! Truly some of the most beautiful scenes I have had the opportunity to live in for a bit. I know for the most part it's just dense jungle and temple, but mannnn does this game do them well. Wish the stealth was a teensy bit better and I always want a designated crouch, but hey those are nit picks really. This game knows what it wants to do and does it. This is what I come to Uncharted for, pure pulpy fun. P.S kinda want them to kiss.