Deus Ex 2000

Log Status






Time Played

27h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 26, 2023

First played

February 21, 2023

Platforms Played


the more i think about this game the more impressive it gets,like really,i cant tell a flaw with it at the top of my head,and is not that the game didnt experiment,its a game that there was nothing quite like it before,sure there were previous inmersive sims,but none meshed it with fps and rpgs elements like this one did,and it does it so gracefully,especially the level design and dialogue system im impressed by,also it has a great story,and gameplay,and you get the idea,the perfect game

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Wow just wow this game does everything right


The Level Design has to be my favorite of all time out of any videogame:
Everything you do has at least 3 or 4 ways to be done,stealthy,loud,mix of both,there the hacky way and tons of the other ways,and it always feel rewarding also you can back to see every possible way to done things,it makes feel levels alive.

The Gameplay Itself is really diverse:for example you can be:
A zion filled murder that every encounter goes heads on with a shotgun and a sword (most likely having to reload the save when he dies for the 1345 time)
A pacifist that hits their enemies on the back with a stick to fall uncouncions
A warrior that uses melee to brutally kill their enemies
A silent assasin that kills their enemies in silence using both stealth guns and melee weapons
or why not you can be a mix of everything above (me)

All this can be done thanks to the guns,skills and augs:

Weapons And Gun Play:For me it feels pretty good,There is a good variaty of guns and they are all really fun,also the leaning feature was revolutionary and was really useful and add more inmersity,another thing the upgrades are a good implemented mechanic that lets you make you weapons more powerfull as the game progress.My Opinion on all the weapons:

Skills:Even though they are better skills than others it still creates space for a good amount of builds and upgrades that makes progress feel more rewarding

Augs:Favorite part of the gameplay,really revolutionary for an fps to have upgrades like this that give different habilites to the character,further creates more diversity beetween player and gives decision making.My Opinion on every aug in the game:

With all these together you can create some pretty fun combos.

And this is balanced thanks to the well done difficulty and dificultty system,for me normal dificulty feel a little easy so i would recommend one level above that or if you are confident choose the maximum dificultty level it would be fun either way.

The Content for a game for its time is really complete,the game consisnts of 13 looooong levels that are not only amazing but have tons of content to do there are tons of side missions that go through being funny,compelling,memorable,all of the above and more.

The Graphics even though not the best are iconic have personality and have really good physics for the time.

Aesthetics:But Since it doesnt have the best graphics it balances this with an amazing future aesthetics that it is a little inspired by matrix but is really different when you analyze it,it really makes you feel like you have augmented senses and habilities that a normal person doesnt has,and that every single mission in the game happens at night just adds to this aesthetic.

The Writing:is so philosophical and nuanced,you get tons of different perspectives and tough provoking ideas through the game on nearly every single interaction

The lore Is really complete,it delivers lore pieces through newspaper,diary,datacubes,books,computers,etc,each one delivering different lore,going through
newspaper showing the actual state of the world and the consequences of your actions that happen in the story,diary and datacubes showing the lives of the people of the game going through your allies to the people you very murder all of them adding humanity to them,books show you something to think about and computer show all of the above,everything culminating in a really complete and compelling world.

JC denton is one of my favorite protaginst ever,he has a distinct personality but also adapts to the player,it does this by when a player does an action denton arguments why they do it and respects it to the end,also he is just so funny and iconic,the amounts of lines that have become internet icons of just how dry and direct he can be is countless and they are all funny and memorable.

The Characters even though not the most complex are really effective,they all play their part and give different perspective and are just entertaining to talk to.My opinion on all of them:

Every single ending is well done since none of them are right or wrong and the three have reason to be chosen and are though provoking and philosophycal:

The Helios Ending:In this ending you fusion with icarus and create a new being that is going to gobernate the world like an benevolant dictator,doing what the people want,but denton sacrifices his individuality since when he fusions he doesnt exists anymore now he is with icarus as a new being,amazing ending that is bittersweet even though he will try the best as he can to lead humanity out of this darkness it still is a dictatorship and if he commits an error is global and could kill millions and millions of people,but this is the only option that was never tried before and if you dont try you never know,if god doesnt exists humanity needs to create one,in this case the things that borns out of this fusion.

The Dark Age Ending:Even though it is my least favorite of the three it still has its points and is pretty good,i feel like tong has its points saying that you should destroy global communication and enter the dark age since it would free the world from world lideration,you no longer serve the global leader you serve the truth.

The Iluminati Ending:The ending that i personally think is my fav,it is my favorite since its so cynical referencing the start of the game but also is the most realistic,safe and the one that can lead into more sequels,the world goes back to where is was in the 20th century with illuminaty at power but maybe that is what it needs,with this ending people will live ignorant since they will forget about the pandemic and all of what happened but they will be happy and live their lives normaly,denton administrates the cure and even though he doenst have all the power he does the best as it can,everret promises that illuminati will be this time not be corrupted and do the role that it was originally mean to do,even though this it is a possibility that it will fall to corruption again but it is the option that run less risks,you dont send the world to heaven you dont make it go to hell.

Influential:this game inspired not only internet culture but tons and tons and tons of videogames that came after,it really feels like a 2010s game not a early 2000s near 1990s game.

In Conclusion:It baffles me how old is this game for how modern it feels,from the mechanics to the story and writting i just dont find a thing that i dont like in this game and is just so though provoking and iconic i cant give it any less than

10 out of 10 and it enters in the top 5.