8 Reviews liked by cisco

300 hours of my life that I will never get back. At least really hot characters like Terry and Sephiroth got in I guess.

Sephiroth is like 10 polygons in this game and he's still one of the most fuckable characters I've ever seen.

"Hasn't aged the best" nigga you haven't aged the best

i will never see the N word the same way anymore

Fuck whoever made the UI, fuck Meguro for composing this terrible ost, and fuck anyone who says it's better than the original P1.

Rest in Peace to Hidehito Aoki, one of the greatest and most underrated composers in gaming.

Yo this game sucks. Anyways, my balls itch, I'm scratchin' my nuts rn lmfao

This is an incredibly nostalgic game to me that gave me a lot of memories and is actually the reason I met one of my best friends. The game itself is also incredibly well done, or at least was made to be good after 2014. The gunplay is good, the movement is alright, the graphics still hold up to this day in my opinion, the maps are great, the vehicle play is pretty nice, the atmosphere is top notch, it has one of the best arsenals in an FPS game, and it has some of the best customization I've seen, especially for a game that was released in 2013. The DLC is fantastic as well. However, I feel that me playing the game since 2015 and reaching Level 100, I'm finding it harder and harder to go back to because I've maxed out and experienced everything it has to offer. Don't let this deter you from playing it though, it truly is a fantastic game! Oh wait the campaign! I almost forgot about it! It is a glitchy and messy pile of feces mixed with semen. The story is one of the worst things I have ever experienced, the characters are so god damn 1 dimensional and forgettable. I absolutely despised this campaign and would deter anyone from playing it unless you're either a completionist, someone that likes awful games, stupid, hate yourself or wants to get the M249, QBZ-95, P90 and/or MP412 REX. In the end, minus the horrendous campaign, I still give this game a strong recommendation if you're into FPS games.