6 reviews liked by cjjc1475



Can't believe this game is even on here. A solid early RPG Maker horror game, focused around keeping a large cast of characters alive as you explore a mansion, solve puzzles, and fight mutant lab experiments. Very unique art style and surprisingly dark plot.

complete lack of a morality system, no consequences for one or two choices you will make, overused fall from grace trope, uninteresting characters, no point in exploring since you will only find a chest with a "insert rarity color" robe, crafting timers which take up to 15-30mins, main character is a complete dumbass and will sometimes shout out how the puzzle must be solved if you spend 30 seconds in a puzzle room looting stuff, mediocre story and a really lackluster ending. If you look past these the Sebastian and Ominis are interesting characters and combat is enjoyable I guess?

I had a pretty decent time with it, the game has a lot of really cool concepts and it executes most of them really well, unfortunately the main gameplay loop being so simplistic drags it down a lot, as a result it feels way more repetitive than any 5 hour game really should

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

It's fine and I like the part where you do the grappling hook cuz I like grappling hooks, and the part where you have to use special abilities to go into certain places. That part's okay. The part that I like the most is that you can drive cars and destroy them.

please no matter what do NOT touch this game i repeat myself do NOT EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PLAY THIS GAME this is a WARNING this game will make you curse the day you were born and you will start walking on the walls while your eyeballs turn to the back of your head out of the rage this game will induce after playing it PLAY DAWN OF YS INSTEAD PLEASE I BEG YOU PLEASE JUST PLAY DAWN OF YS