plot is bad, characters are bad, controls are REALLY bad. would recommed

i want to repeatedly slam battler against a wall like hes a plushie filled with milk

for one shining golden moment i thought battler was going to start being cool and then i played this episode

my opinion on this game would be a lot better if this was my first experience with bravely default. for some reason this game removes a lot of quality of life features, the random battles aren't hard but they do feel unnecessarily time consuming in comparison to bravely default and bravely second. not being able to turn the encounter rate up (or down) felt very strange.

the boss fights were fun, but they made me feel like there was a specific winning strategy the developers had in mind while making it, which doesnt have to be a bad thing but it left me feeling like i couldnt play the job or pick the abilities purely based on what i thought was fun and interesting like i could in the last games. the emphasis on how every team comp was theoretically viable in every fight was a big reason of why bravely default and bravely second are some of my favourite games, so just that was enough for bravely default ii to lose a lot of points with me.

continuing the topic of boss battles, the countering system was something i was a bit excited about at first but i felt that as it went on, the game relied on it too much to make the boss more challenging. the further into the game i got, the more it felt like artificial difficulty inflation, which was especially disappointing because bravely default ii easily had the most thematic and engaging bosses of the series. their fights, both visually and mechanically, were very creative and unique as they drew upon the characters story.

as always, the art, character design, and music were all gorgeous. the aesthetic of the towns you visit made them all have such a great feeling to them, and there was great use of camera angles and zooming in and out which made them feel bigger than they were. the design of each area was pretty, though the bigger feeling they had did make them feel more empty despite the visible enemy encounters.

as for the characters and storyline, i didnt finish this game (for context, i stopped halfway through chapter 4) so i don't feel like i can really speak on them, but from what i played:

the main characters didn't feel as interesting to me as the cast from either bravely default or bravely second, in general their personalities felt much less passionate and it felt like the plot was happening to them rather than the main characters driving the plot. because of this the characters felt more realistic, while they didnt have much depth they also didnt feel as trope-y as the previous main characters. there was a feeling of the whole group having their own relationships with each other that were missing for me in the other casts too, but i also felt less engaged in their personal stories and motivations. there wasnt a single main party member i didnt like, they all brought something to the table and had very friendly chemistry as a group.

for antagonists, despite having an early introduction the main villain felt very distant and removed from the game. in general each chapter feels self-contained, which they individually benefit from since the story of each chapter was very well written and interesting (apart from the first two or so), but did make the overarching story feel less important and the main villain less threatening.

the antagonists of each chapter were usually interesting in some way but none of them seemed to have the depth that was present in boss characters from the earlier games.

most of the problems i have with the story and characters could also be said about bravely default or bravely second, which have always had characters that are pretty basic or one note and a hammy story, but the presentation of this game made it feel very different. bravely default was a game that wasn't afraid to take itself seriously, no matter how ridiculous it was, or poke fun of itself. bravely second took poking fun at itself to the next level and let itself be all over the place. bravely default ii feels more grounded and realistic, which to me just doesnt work with the story and character writing being so unadventurous. it makes you realize how bland it all is without that extra flair.

it felt like there were a lot more side quests in this game and that so many of them were completely pointless, but the few that triggered character interactions were, while simple, very charming.

overall, if you like the previous bravely games or just bravely default then you will probably like this one, but you might be disappointed.

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cold steel 3 is fun on a replay because 95% of it is so relatively normal compared to the 4th game, and i can better appreciate how this game sets up and solidifies new character dynamics that will be carried over as the focal point... its amazing how much more depth reans character has when hes around his students and how little the original class vii members contribute to his character growth, at least imo.

going into cs3 the first time, i was really attached to the original class vii and took a good amount of time to warm up to the new class vii cast (except for altina who is perfect). the new class vii cast is a lot smaller and i definitely think it benefits from that, the new characters get more sustained focus and confront their own issues more organically as a cast of 5 compared to a cast of 10. saying that, i would expect all 5 of those characters to be better written and more interesting considering they get more screen time and can be fleshed out much more, but imo at least: juna and altina are significantly better than the og class vii, ash is also pretty good, kurt is not the most interesting to me and i really think they couldve done more with him + his dynamic with his classmates, and musse is....... musse is musse... so overall i think they could have done a better job honestly.

the bond between rean and his classmates is obviously very special and very important and i do always love seeing their reunions and how much they all genuinely care for each other, but feels like it all hit a wall during cs2 and ever since then it just comes off as there being very little point in them showing up and being involved in the plot. there isnt room for growth because basically all of cs1 was focused entirely on character relationships (i like this btw) and no meaningful conflict is ever going to happen between these characters now. this is very apparent when compared to the bond between rean and his students, who are new characters and all have their own issues with him/themselves and challenge each other. the main thing i love about the new class vii is that rean is constantly adjusting to them. in cs1 his classmates know hes got his own issues and this comes up a fair amount, but the focus is always on him helping solve other peoples problems. this is true in cs3 as well, but it feels better in cs3 where theyre teenagers and hes their teacher so theyre more like, fundamentally opposed to listening to him or liking him LOL. its challenging for rean to help them through their issues because he has to in his own way prove himself to them. he has to genuinely connect with them in a way that forces himself to be way more open than he has been in previous games. rean has been Going Through It his whole life but had that turned up like crazy during the ending of cs2, so its not just good for his relationship with other characters, its also useful for the audience who gets to see how much trauma hes dealing with, how badly hes handling some of it, and how much hes working on himself because he takes his duties as a teacher insanely seriously and knows that he needs to be in a good place if he wants to set a good example for his students.

i also just think the group dynamic is inherently funnier - these kids have the most popular man in erebonia teaching them but to them hes just their exasperating teacher. they poke fun at rean a lot and get frustrated with him easily, but they do admire him very much. and rean has wildly poor self esteem and these teenagers are going 'ugh instructor rean back off!!!' so its funny seeing him go from taking it kind of personally (kicked puppy look) to understanding them more + growing more comfortable and confident in his role as an instructor.

another thing - generally speaking, reans students are more connected to the plot than his classmates are. this can sometimes be a detriment since their most of their backstories have been kind of just fucking.. hamfisted into already established lore/events/etc but the benefit is that their presence feels significant and important. reans classmates fade in relevance because there isnt that much they can do with them. fie and emma (and jusis i guess?) have stuff going on thats related to the plot, but they dont interact with it in a meaningful way and if they werent in the game nothing would change. obviously millium is extremely relevent and necessary; while i wish it wasnt mostly at the very end of the game, the build up to it throughout the game is well done and especially noticeably good on a replay. the rest are like, ok you have a fight/reveal or two thats somewhat relevant to you for whatever reason i guess. generally speaking their individual plotlines are very removed from rean/the player and theres no significant interaction between what they have on their plate and what the player has going on. the new class vii (mostly) have plotlines that are relevant to rean as a character and their class as a group.

the setting is also really good - thors military academy was done so well that i would have expected any other setting to fall flat in comparison, but the branch campus manages to have its own weird charms without relying on the previous setting, and rean + the player are able to get just as comfortable and attached to the school/students/village in cs3 as in cs1. the cast of students follow the points ive said above, its overall smaller and more individualized and feel like they interact with each other + rean more. im probably more attached to the student cast in cs1/2 but id say that the new cast is done better

i will say that i think bonding events are worse across the board. altinas are always good, yuna has a good one... uh... that might be it for me. i guess its hard to say they were ever all that great? but i think cs1/2 had a wider range of bad to good while in cs3 90% of them are weird or forgettable. oh, heres something i didnt realize on my first playthrough: i originally romanced alisa (going through a no romance run for this one) and i didnt realize how many of her events/dialogue are Exactly The Same regardless of if youre dating her or not? like oh my god its bad. its like the game doesnt understand that youre not romancing her??? every default interaction with her is CRAZY romantic. nearly every woman character is into rean and its badly written and uncomfortable, but they are so easy to brush off in comparison to alisa, who if you arent dating her is literally just being strung around by rean and it makes him come off as an absolute dick about it LMAO. it is just so so so pushy. just make a canon romance if youre going to do this....

i dont want to get into the whole 'everyone has the hots for rean' thing since its not unique to cs3 at all and gets worse/more unavoidable in cs4 but it continues to be bad here, does nothing to make the women more unique or interesting or add anything to their characters via it, makes rean worse whenever he interacts with them because hes not allowed to have any feelings in particular about it other than going 'jeez' or ignoring it, makes their friendships with rean much worse written, claire and sara are creepy, etc.

this is such a character driven game that all i have to say about it really is in relation to that LOL. other small thoughts i have: the pacing isnt always my favourite but it tracks with the cold steel series; the power scaling of the characters in this game reaches the peak of being nonsensical; some big character moments are delivered in a way that doesnt always work for me and leaves it feeling comical instead of impactful; the soldat battles are the best as always; I HATE THE KEEP GET ME OUT OF THERE WHY DO WE HAVE BONDING EVENTS IN THERE EVERY MONTH!!!!; copper georg is the FUNNIEST thing to ever happen in a video game and that entire scene with him and angelica is so so fucking insane that i cant it seriously at all but in the best way possible; I Get It but the reluctance to use valimar really hurts me in my feelings; azure siegfried is even more nothing than i remember him being and i wish there was more drama going on there or that more was done with the mystery of it.

tl;dr i love this game especially coming off the incredibly miserable ending of cold steel 2 and i love how things get worse forever. i love drama!!!!

the characters, music, plot, art, music, game mechanics, job mechanics, MUSIC, everything about this game is my favourite thing and there isnt anything i dont like about it.

the weakest points of the game are the party interactions that can come off as vapid when important things arent happening, and the pure amount of repetition which turns a lot of people off the game- which is understandable for sure but i 100% believe that it would be a worse game without it.

the player characters and villains are (for the most part) fleshed out and have unique dynamics with each other, and the plot is engaging, makes sense, and has some incredibly impactful moments. the depth of the villain characters combined with how imaginative the plot is absolutely Makes this game for me. it could play like absolute garbage and it would still be one of my favourite games, but the gameplay itself is genuinely fun and rewards players for experimenting with different jobs and job abilities, giving you a lot of freedom in how you want to play. exploring dungeons and fighting random encounters never felt like a chore and there wasnt a single boss battle that i remember not actively enjoying.

also the music is really good!!!!!


game of the year for me and its only january baby!!!!! PEAK trails

rating this 3.5/5 feels kind of awful, because i had a lot of fun with this game, and i'm definitely going to keep playing it even with the main story being over. it has so many charm points and as always the core gameplay of rune factory is super satisfying, but there were also a lot of things i didn't like about rf5 or things that i thought could be done better.

to get it out of the way: the optimization is so so so bad. even as someone who usually doesn't mind load times, i thought it was too much. there was a loading screen during the ending cutscene that took so long that i thought the game had crashed. it's laggy and slow and stuttery, especially on festival days when confetti is raining. sometimes it takes a weirdly long time for anything to load when you exit your 'house' to the point where you walk up to your field and have to actually wait for it to load in before you can start farming. these should seriously not be issues. alongside that, the game crashes way more often than i've ever experienced with any other switch game.

as for other complaints:

the story was sweet but felt bare bones and hardly fleshed out, though the pacing was fine. it had some strong moments and i wouldn't say it was bad at all, but there was no 'pull' there for me or any actual emotional investment overall.

the characters are all likeable, but no one really stands out. while i don’t want to compare the two much, compared to rune factory 4 i didn't feel nearly as attached to any of the characters, especially ones you can have a romance with, and i didn't feel any kind of love towards them. i enjoyed them as characters and i think the main character has really nice organic relationships with everyone, but in a similar way to the story, there was no actual hook, there was nothing that would inspire especially strong feelings.

additionally, while i did like the designs for the characters, there was a strange disconnect between the portraits and the 3d models. i understand that the sprites are done in the typical rune factory artstyle, but some characters i felt looked surprisingly different, or that i would be able to greatly prefer the look of someones 3d model over their sprite or vice versa, which felt strange.

while i touched on the story pacing, i think the pacing of the actual game itself was pretty weird. for example some recipes you would get for crafting would have much higher stats than other recipes of a higher level that you get later on, which makes no sense. you can get strangely advanced requests early such as having level 5 friendship with everyone, which for some reason includes the rf4 npcs and i think even npcs you haven’t gotten yet? i'm not sure if this is true of every request, but for at least some, it doesn't track the objective if you haven't picked the request up yet, so you can end up having to redo something you've already done without realizing there would be a quest about it. it seems like it can't track multiple objectives at once, such as a request of x amount of three different vegetables, so you won't know how many of which vegetable you're missing. the repeatable requests are the exact same 3 quests cycled through, which i thought would expand after a certain period in the story which put emphasis on the nature of those requests, but i guess was just unrelated to the actual gameplay at all. the rewards for these requests are also the same few items, just an infinite amount of potions and roundoffs.

the pacing of combat is typical to a rune factory game so i won't criticize it for that even though i'm not a fan of several aspects, but there were other parts of the combat i didn't like. there should straight up not be insta-kill enemies in a story required dungeon, even if you can make food/upgrade weapons to ward against it. i don't know who thought putting a cinematic intro to every boss you can repeatedly fight against was a good idea, you can skip them but it's baffling that it even plays after your first story-based encounter. the bosses going immune sometimes is fine, but the immunity period is too long and feels obnoxious. the amount of time that stuns take to wear off is straight up the worst thing about the combat, it needs to be cut down to at least a third of the time it takes, and i mean that for the enemies as well as the player. it's such a ridiculously long time.

moving on from that, i have some smaller complaints like: npc dialogue expanding as you gain hearts with them is good, but the pool feels too small to start off with- the dialogue immediately repeating a lot does not feel like a good start to the game. even if you go to shops during their opening hours sometimes the characters just aren't there, so you can't do anything. the farm dragons was a really, really weird choice which feels completely divorced from anything that's happening in the game and i don't even understand the point of them since they don't mimic seasons (why are there no season specific fields...). the 'farm camera' being on by default nearly made me stop playing until i realized it was something you can toggle off, it's awful. i didn't like the design of the town itself, it felt too big for your default run speed, while also feeling very barren because of its size, and the shops and services section of the town is organized really strangely to me- you have three shops grouped together in a row and then all the other buildings are thrown around wherever, it doesn’t feel right. the flower shop being locked behind a character that only comes to your town late into the game (i think the 7th or 8th dungeon?) is stupid, sorry to say that so plainly, but i don’t understand how that was an intentional choice they made. the placement of furniture is frustrating and clunky and you can never get things to line up well because all the furniture is like allergic to even the idea of being placed somewhat close together. it would be more convenient if you had a choice in activating the side quests you can see on your map, if you have several you can do at once and want to do one about a specific character, you can get thrown into another characters event on the way there because it immediately triggers as soon as you’re near it. dialogue lines repeat to much- what the shopkeep does when you’re shopping for example, but the main character especially just talks all the time despite having three lines of dialogue any time you’re farming or fishing, i really don’t like that. the item limit on the floor hasn’t been increased at all and the auto-pickup only works when you run over the items, so grinding out lumber + stone is still a massive pain for no reason.

obviously this is a huge amount of complaints and i'm sure a bunch of them seem really petty, but that's just how off-putting they are in the context of the game. despite all of that, it is genuinely a good game:

there is definitely depth to the characters you interact with and they feel like they were written as real people who exist outside of the main character, they have their own tropes but still manage to feel like organic people that you (or the main character) can have an actual connection to. while there are a lot of story moments where the main character has to handle everything, there are moments outside of that (especially with scarlett which was a pleasant surprise), and a small arc that attempts to give the main character time to exist as their own entity rather than just a plot-pusher, which i liked a lot.

as i said before the character designs are nice, even for characters i don't find appealing or eye catching, i can still appreciate the idea around their design. i spent the first few hours of the game feeling amazed at the 3d character models and how lively and intricate the outfits were.

in general every part of the game i didn't complain about is very solid, which is why i would love to rate it higher, and is why i would still recommend the game to anyone who enjoys farming sims. it's such a shame that some weird faults that shouldn't exist can make such an impact, but they're not at all game-ruining and it's still a very 'feel good' kind of game that you can see the earnestness of while you play it, so it gives a very sweet and comfortable feeling- that would be the sum of my feelings towards it.


lets fucking go beatrice nation!!!!!!

way worse on a replay than it was playing through the first time, but the ending days hit even harder and are 5/5

the epic highs and lows of the legend of heroes: trails of cold steel iv