Conman’s Last Hunt
Entry 8

The act of hitting enemies is so simplistic and unsatisfying that it might as well auto attack like it’s an mmo. This has the art of Ultimate Spider-Man, but it lacks its significantly more satisfying player control. It also lacks Venom.

The inclusion of a playable Green Goblin makes sense, as it’s a prequel to a game where you zip/crawl as Spider-Man and then wreck shop as big boy Venom. Unfortunately his Ultimate design is stupid and ugly and his gameplay is bad.

Spider-Man himself doesn’t fare much better, as the enemies and obstacles have ridiculous hit/hurtboxes; every enemy is Donatello from the NES Ninja Turtles game. Even fire can hurt you by proximity, which I guess is realistic but that’s a generous stretch. Frustrating in an uninteresting way.

Not a very fun videogame.

Reviewed on May 01, 2024


2 months ago

I swear to god, I hear about a new spider-man game I never heard of every month, or the guy just has so many that I forget about all of them.

2 months ago

@Vee he has one trillion games. The best of which (of course) is the Jakks Pacific plug n play dungeon crawler