Having these games on the Switch is nice. Well, it would be nice if these games were the games I wanted to be on the Switch. But not only are these not quite the games I wanted Battlefront on the Switch, they're barely even these games at all.

Conmanese to English translation: The experience of playing this is too kneecapped to say this is anywhere close to being Classic.™

Edited for clarity.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024


28 days ago

How do Aspyr still have the license for these remasters
Are they just selling well enough despite the horrible reception?

28 days ago

Sorry I normally really like your reviews but I'm very confused by what this means, I know the collection had issues at launch, is this related to that? Or because it's literally not the game you want to play?

28 days ago

@thealexmott Well I can tell they’re doing it on the cheap, that’s for sure. This one is the worst since their port of Knights of the Old Republic II that you literally can’t beat IIRC.

@Bojangles4th totally understandable, the review is slightly more baroque and confusing than I intended. I was trying to imply that these ports were not only worse than could have been, they’re actually worse than the original games (busted multiplayer, broken cutscenes, aiming curve problems, no 4-player splitscreen, not to mention the issues at launch like no Y-Axis inversion etc.) So while having the original Battlefronts on the switch is cool, it’s incomplete.

21 days ago

This is so heartbreaking given that this was the perfect opportunity for these games to be exposed to a new generation of fans.