7 reviews liked by cratorreal

15 years later and it's still peak

the children yearn for a new guilty year

There was a time where arcades had this instead of the Raw Thrills trash. I miss those days.

I never played Pokemon so this is the game that guided me through my formative years. It's too bad that this franchise is dead.

Alright I did not grow up with Pokemon for some weird reason. I first caught wind of this game while visiting some friends several states over. I spent most of that visit playing this game on one of their DS systems.

I probably got my own copy on my next birthday or something. This game is absolutely 10/10. I was reminded of it a couple years ago (thanks Jaiden!) and dug out my old copy to replay the whole thing. Still holds up great. Music, story, characters, vivosaurs, gameplay, all still fantastic. Cleaning fossils is still fun.
One of my childhood favorites.

Someone recommended this game to me because I was really bored with my new phone at the time and just wanted some random shit to play. This was when it was JP only btw. Big mistake.
Uoooooh tier game, at first things seemed ok until I started laughing my ass off at the first tutorial Live2D scene. Most of the character designs are bland and more sus than anything especially with the later-added characters. The game loop was pretty dry and grindy and time consuming so I wouldn't bother logging in most days. Sometimes the events are more interesting but there isn't really much to do. I do enjoy SOME of the music but clearly a lot of it is osu-fan feet kissing where only the piano and non-electro-or-trap-or-bass-heavy scores really hit. I actually kind of "felt" something with the Live2D of the black-white haired girl with the cat food but given the rest of the game's "appeal" and eventually unlocking INCREDIBLY uuuoooooh scenes I decided it was time to nope out.
Not systematically awful but yeah no it's pedo game. Literally just rip some of the few good songs like the daily mission selection theme and the piano themes and never look back. Redditors would LOVE this game but I'd assume at least even Genshit has actual gameplay.

It’s easy to point at the gratuitous sexual assault scenes as being incredibly edgy and indicative of quality, and I think Tsukihime would have benefited from cutting some of them out (others could have stood a rewrite but still have a function). But there is a heart to Tsukihime, a cast of scared, lonely teenagers (and one ancient vampire) all going through their own Hedgehog’s dilemma. Don’t let the rough spritework and poorly compressed soundtrack scare you from giving Tsukihime a try, as it still maintains an incredibly unique sense of atmospheric style that shines through the lack of polish.

Arcueid is such a fascinating character. I know a lot of people joke that despite being the main heroine, she doesn’t appear for the second half of the VN, but her route really is great as a tone-setter, and it’s where Tsukihime states a core part of its philosophy. The other heroines have loved at some point prior and been hurt for it, but Arcueid had never developed a true bond before Shiki. During her bittersweet true ending, she outright states that she’d rather have loved and lost then never have loved at all, a mature insight that reverberates throughout the rest of the routes. She’s incredibly memorable for her unique philosophy on humanity and innocent humor, and the only downside to her is that you’ll be missing her dearly after her route.

My other favorite heroine is Kohaku - to keep it vague without spoilers, I think her character is the most human of all, at times very ugly but also capable of being beautiful. Sometimes we seek to deny our own humanity because of how much it hurts to be vulnerable, and Kohaku demonstrates the psychological horror of that self-dehumanization in such a subtly eery way, I ended up crying a few times during some scenes because of how terrifying raw some of her story is. She’s an excellent foil to Arcueid: the non-human who wishes she was human, and the human who wishes she was anything but. It’s why I think her route is great as the finale.

Please don’t wait for the remake to get a translation, the original is absolutely worth your time. It’s an important piece of VN history as one of the first notorious horror VNs and I honestly believe it still holds up to its contemporaries in that genre today.