they deleted my review because i said joshua should [TERMS OF SERVICE VIOLATION] but ultimately at the end of the day he really should [DATA EXPUNGED] so estelle and kloe can [REDACTED] in peace

ohhhhh so this is where love bombing comes from

at the end of the day it really was a monstrous adventure

she just dissed goatjuurou goatzuki lets turn her into a frog

finally a game about the real issues: male manipulators

in the ongoing proxy war between the people who like guilty gear because they want to jack off to [insert any of the dlc characters here] and the people who like guilty gear except for whichever one they are playing right now we need to bring this back to end the conflict

JOSEF: My prince, before you stands the contemptuous wench who has been known to be stealing the lemons from our garden. It would be to your behest to relieve her head from her shoulders this instant
ALAIN: ....Though you may be a thief, I yet see in you a light that tells me you undertake your actions because you have people that you care for. I would see you renounce your lemon stealing ways, and join in with the Liberation, so that All people of this land might one day enjoy the fruits of their very own lemon trees

[Adol told Dogi about the events that transpired.}
What? Elena fell down the well? That's terrible buddy! If only we had some kind of amulet or bangle that held mystical jewels that allowed us to double jump or run. What are the chances any of those are laying around though, huh.....

if you don't listen to morons who formed their opinions on this game based on a redditor's description of what their friend told them happened in the game from immediately after it was first machine translated you will find that actually this game is peak

upon receiving new information I have determined that actually bullying may be bad

subtle reference many of you may not have noticed: the character "matthew" is a reference to noah, from xenoblade 3. for more information on this, google n femdom rule 34

there are 2 kinds of scenes in this game
1. 3-8 characters arguing about whether suicide is based or cringe
2. 2 characters desperately trying to resist the urge to start making out sloppy style right there on the spot

cancel culture claims another single mother. makes me sick, what woke has done.i would have protected her

how does this affect rean's legacy