yeah im def in the minority of people who like this more than the original. funfunfun weee

guys can i be honest this one still scares me


playing this immediately after the masterpiece that is the re4 remake felt like I had been fucking lobotomized. great concepts that are held back by layers of 2000s jank, like bad npc ai, and having to re-do the whole mission after failing. also it's ugly lol. not like graphically, I don't mind old/lowpoly graphics. the whole world is a muddy shade of gray, it gets hard to look at. still fun but yeah it's old ¯\(ツ)

already feels so nostalgic for me ;_; i think everyone will always have a soft spot for the sims game they grew up with, and this one is mine. i adore ts4, flaws and all, and i still play it fairly often 10 years later (modded to hell, but yeah). idk it just makes me feel all light and comfortable and silly and creative ect ect.