Hades was already perfect in my eyes, I was fully expecting this game to just be more of the same but maybe a bit longer.
My god. They somehow made a masterful gameplay loop even better. These people are geniuses. I think this is forever gonna be one of my favorite games of all time, unless they make a Hades 3 that dethrones it (please omg 🙏).
Literally the one and only downside is that it's technically unfinished (as of June 2024) and I REALLY want to know what happens in the story! Beating Eris and then being given the boot back to the crossroads made me sad!
But I can be patient for a game as perfect as this!

already feels so nostalgic for me ;_; i think everyone will always have a soft spot for the sims game they grew up with, and this one is mine. i adore ts4, flaws and all, and i still play it fairly often 10 years later (modded to hell, but yeah). idk it just makes me feel all light and comfortable and silly and creative ect ect.


playing this immediately after the masterpiece that is the re4 remake felt like I had been fucking lobotomized. great concepts that are held back by layers of 2000s jank, like bad npc ai, and having to re-do the whole mission after failing. also it's ugly lol. not like graphically, I don't mind old/lowpoly graphics. the whole world is a muddy shade of gray, it gets hard to look at. still fun but yeah it's old ¯\(ツ)

guys can i be honest this one still scares me

yeah im def in the minority of people who like this more than the original. funfunfun weee


its absolutely not perfect but im gonna let myself be overdramatic here: playing this for the first time broke and rebuilt me. never cried so hard from a game. the story is a very specific situation that i dont relate to, but Sunny's "everything would be better without you, you ruined everything" type of guilt, plus his escapism, hallucinations... oughh. just like me fr.

4got I played this lol. mid but kinda fun. family member stole it many years ago so im never finishing it.

unironically fucks, top notch restaurant sim. really hope they deluxe-ify more in the series.

it's project diva alright 👍
the graphics are def prettier

this is one of my favorite indie games and I don't think I'll ever be able to explain why. I don't even think it's good. tho it's not as bad as people make it out to be. it's as mid as it gets and I'm rooting for the devs.

I respect this game and what it managed to accomplish, it's influence is still felt in many games I enjoy. that being said it's the only game I've ever hated to a point I couldn't finish it.
the concept of a huge, beautifully detailed world with almost nothing in it is pretty cool in theory, but my mushy ipad-baby cocomelon brain did not vibe with it. I was never inspired to explore because, what's the point? I can see similarly lush environments in other games but actually have something to do in them.

and I know the janky controls have been spoken about to death but oh my god it's ASS

Very cute and short. It's free so it not being perfect is fine by me. Micah Yujin I consent to you crawling into my window.

conflicted on this bcuz when I was younger I watched an uncensored playthrough of it on youtube and was obviously disgusted, but when I played it for myself as an adult I thought it was decently made? the puzzles are tricky enough that solving them is satisfying, until you remember the prize is horse sex. also the animation's cute.

This review was written before the game released

you will never see me again when this comes out