3 reviews liked by damadio

Look, I’m not even bothered by the fact that Sonic decided to become a cop. If he wants to uphold the law, then that is fine by me. But I guarantee you that, out of all the crimes he will stop, the most common one he will stop, ironically, will be people speeding on the highway. Fucking hypocrite.

Game #283

I remember my Mom told me once that she owned an Atari 2600 back in the day, and she remembers playing this version of Pac-Man a lot and loving it so much. With that in mind, I can now say with confidence that my Mom had a shitty childhood.

Game #117

Do you like Where’s Waldo? You do? That’s great! Have you ever wanted to pay $60 for a Where’s Waldo game where you can beat it in 4 minutes? No? Well too bad, because that is what you get. Also, I just wanna point out that this game was developed by Bethesda. You know, the same company who developed The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. I would say they have gotten better with their craft over time, but honestly, that would be a flatout lie.

Game #434