this game is not an original concept at all its literally so overdone and the graphics and gameplay are boring and it just all sucks and the menu navigation is ass i hate skyrim this game is balls

this game is addictive and i love it
i dont care how much people say this game is broken or bad or painful to play i literally dont care
i am the only siege player in the world to willingly admit i love this game and it is fun and i can forgive it for its flaws because it has given me 2500 hours of fun and many more to come, this game is great for playing with friends and just has generally brought me a lot of joy and excitement and positive memories.
on top of this my reaction time, mental coordination, teamworking and leadership abilities are all significantly better as a result of playing so much comp which is a nice bonus
people who say they hate this game but still play it are just trying to be quirky, please lets just admit that siege is so fun

this game is an actual work of art - the graphics are fantastic and the world is huge and expansive and everywhere you go feels alive with so much of society and nature to be interacted with and so many events to keep the world moving.
definitely the best story ive ever experienced in a videogame hands down, so so so worth the money

this game isnt a 10 purely because of its terrible community, but that aside this game is completely mastered in everythijng it does. the gunplay is amazing and the map design is phenomenal, valve really know what theyre doing with cs. if you complain that the gunplay is bad or inaccurate its literally a skill issue this games recoil system is so cool

this is the best dlc for any game ive ever played
the map is huge beautiful and mindblowing and as you reach every new area theres a unique surprise waiting for you
i love that this dlcs progression is so smooth; as you conquer each part of the map you are able to move onto the next which challenges you with new dangers and problems to be considered
the new creatures introduced by this dlc are all really interesting and the design choices and general aesthetic are just really cool
considering how cheap it is and the fact that this dlc may as well be a whole game, it's so so so worth playing

this game is just so fun it has loads and loads of fun dlcs and the map is perfect for what its meant to do.
the combat is really brutal and satisfying and it just flows so smoothly this is a must play game

this is a must play game its so fun, so so so much content i just keep coming back for more weekend replays
its so cheap and easy to get into everybody needs to play this game

this game is an unoriginal stolen concept with bad art and the whole playerbase is young children who make the already mid experience very bad and unenjoyable

im so in love with ark (especially aberration) theres too much to say i just love csgo

shame it died but theyre bring it back now so wahey

tarkov is addictive and when you get a good raid and extract loads of gear or complete 4 tasks at once it's the most insane high ever
the adrenaline rushes this game gives are awesome too
the gunplay is fantastic and gunfights feel really immersive and intense - also very realistic without being too uncontrollable
the gun customization is unrivalled and the depth in the gun and armor systems is next level which means you can have a lot of fun making your own perfect gun
dont even get me started on the flea market, this game is just amazing and has so much depth you will be so surprised
just know its non-refundable so make completely sure its your type of game before you buy

this game tells its whole own stories i love it its so addictive please play this game its so goood project zomboid

the best vr game and one of the best games in general