72 Reviews liked by daniel_aragao

uma teteia , delicia, frenético e doido


Apesar quedas de frames constantes, é um ótimo jogo.

Esse é simplesmente fantástico!!

Before playing this game, the only 3D Sonic I ever played was Sonic Colors. And even then, a good chunk of that game was in 2D. So Adventure was my first fully 3D Sonic game ever. For years, I'd hear people say this game was broken beyond belief or just simply a "guilty pleasure" game that they enjoy despite being shit. While I did not love it like some people do, I can personally say I did not think the games were either of those things.

The game is broken up into 6 (technically 7 if you complete all other routes) character routes. You can play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big the cat and Gamma respectively. Each of these characters play differently from each other, whether it's for better or worse, and even tho each playthrough varies in quality, I can at least commend how ambitious this is. Because in each character's playthrough, you get different cutscenes and also context for certain scenes that may not be explained in earlier playthroughs. As my friend Lemonstrade said, it's sort of similar to what Drakennier does which again is super cool conceptually, especially for a 1998 game.

But back to the actual characters, Sonic is the clear best one here. He has his spin dash, is of course the fastest in the game and also has a super fun aerial dash. I've heard people say the controls are bad in this game and I simply don't get that at all. Sonic, at least, feels simply perfect to control. The levels on the other hand, I can see people having issues with. I disagreed with the fact this game is broken beyond belief, but it definitely can be a bit broken if you're unlucky. I only glitched through the stage like 2 or 3 times, but the first time it happened was on the very first stage. That made me think the entire game would be broken, but it wasn't. Unless I got lucky, those claims, while still credible sometimes...are massively overblown. Besides that though, Sonic's stages while still fun, can feel incredibly janky just because of how fast he goes. It's hard to explain but if you've played the game you'd know, a lot of times the animations and your movement through levels can feel very unwieldly. It can be really hard to control sonic sometimes, and it often looks super awkward when looking back at it. Like I said it's hard to explain, and while I still had a ton of fun with his levels (just because he feels so good to controls) I can't help but think thee levels feel off. Again, this is mostly when you're at full speed going through loop de loops and shit. When it's slower sections you're going through, it's not an issue.

As for the other characters, they all have significantly less stages than Sonic. Tails has you racing against sonic, and with him being able to glide, you can take some seriously crazy shortcuts. The game itself even encourages this which I thought was pretty neat. Knuckles has you searching for three master emerald shards. It's basically a treasure hunt, with the emerald icons turning different colors depending on how close you are to them. These were alright, but story-wise I wasn't really a fan. Honestly thought his story would be more different from Sonic's than it was, not to mention the final Chaos fight was barely different from Sonic's (and Tails had a unique fight for his ending). Amy was probably my least favorite character to use. Her levels consisted of getting to the end like Sonic, while running away from one of Robotnik's robots. Problem is, while her hammer bounce is kinda cool, her moveset isn't nearly as fun as Sonic's yet her levels are still long like Sonic's (which isn't much of an issue with Tails and Knuckles). That plus, besides the one Gamma scene, her cutscenes were lame. Big the cat is the most contentious character by far, and honestly I didn't hate him. Yeah his cutscenes are super dumb and don't add much to the story. However his campaign is by far the shortest, and the fishing is actually really easy (and kinda fun) once you get the hang of it. Gamma is by far the best character next to Sonic. Not only are his stages fast paced, with you having to kill enemies quickly to get more time to your total. His story is actually significantly different compared to the others, and quite touching at that. If I had to rank each character's campaigns, I'd say Sonic>Gamma>Tails>Big>Knuckles>Amy.

To go to each actual level, you have to navigate the hubworld. For a 1998 game, it's not bad but it can feel somewhat empty I felt. Though, there are things to get that aren't just apart of the main story. There are some optional collectables and even some minigames you can play. There's also the chao garden which, I tried to get to work but since I was emulating the game, I suspected there was an add on I needed or something idk. But from the little I've heard, it does sound fun.

The story in general, does have its high points, like the aforementioned Gamma campaign and the ending is really nice. It's simple but effective. However, the actual voice acting is horribly stilted a lot of the time. It's not even a so bad it's good situation, it was just mediocre a lot of the time. That is, except for Robotnik who is super over the top but hilarious. Even despite the fact they reuse fight dialogue in actual scenes (which is jarring for sure) his dialogue is super duper memorable and easily the highlight. Something else that was memorable were some of the face animations, goddamn are they awful sometimes.

I didn't like LOVE the soundtrack like some people do, but it is quite nice overall. Very experimental which I appreciate a ton. My favorite songs were probably Red Skull Mountain, Welcome to Station Square and Egg Carrier: A Song That Keeps Us on the Move.

Once you complete all 6 character routes, you unlock the 7th and final one..Super Sonic. This is essentially just the final boss and some closure on the story, but it's definitely satisfying. You become Super Sonic, defeat Chaos's final form at supersonic speed, and in turn this cleanses Chaos of his evil as we find out he wasn't ever bad from the start. The closure on the whole Chao's and the past cutscenes was really nice. That along with Gamma's scenes ofc, easily the highlights of the story.

This game is definitely flawed in some ways, and Adventure 2 might improve on everything in this game idk. But I can officially say, this game is overall good and that Sonic had a good transition to 3D. Not everything works in this game, but I can acknowledge this game is full of heart.

May drop it down to a 6 cuz I was feeling like that for a good while but for now it's a 7.

Finished the whole game (yes I did Melee class, yes I hate myself) with some friends in am expert world since we had some new guys playing. I don't care if it's a wiki-required game or the replayability/post-game are pretty bad, I still love this and like it even more than Minecraft. We might be doing Calamity soon, which I've never even seen gameplay of, only some of the music, so I'm pretty excited about that.



How do you take one of the most simple card games of all time and make it a barely functional mess where people are booted from games left and right because Ubisoft can't correctly optimise their games? There were so many hoops I had to jump through just to OPEN the game, and when I went in I found out they removed a lot of custom features from the game, such as profile pictures and cards. And other features that weren't removed were turned into 'DLC' that you had to pay for despite the fact you already payed for the barely functioning game in the first place. You'd be better off keeping your $10 and just using the web browser version of the game or Tabletop Simulator.

Another excellent game from Blue Bird <3
This one even made me cry, I relate a lot with Colin... my imagination is a really important part of my life.
Can't wait to play the next one!

Definitivamente meu FPS favorito, toda a temática politica que explora uma sociedade objetivista foi muito bem debatida de maneira que é extremamente realista, um mundo totalmente egoísta é um mundo hipócrita, a empatia é a base da vida humana sem ela nos viramos pessoas iguais aos Splicers, pessoas completamente deterioradas além da gameplay ser um primor, podem ate discutir sobre a dissonância ludo narrativa envolvendo a mecânica das Little Sisters que é realmente um ponto negativo porem não tira toda a genialidade do jogo um, definitivamente dos roteiros mais bem escritos dos vídeo games.

O laboratório X-18 é provavelmente um dos momentos mais aterrorizantes que eu já joguei, é absolutamente assustador.
Eu amo a ambientação de todo o universo, o enredo envolvente, mas a gameplay mesmo que com muitos pontos positivo como na liberdade que o jogo da ao player e a jogabilidade fluida, eu acho que o jogo é um pouco punitivo de mais em algumas partes. (passei um sufoco medonho em algumas partes.)
Mesmo com isso o jogo é excelente, penso em revisita-lo posteriormente após jogar os outros da franquia.

Hotline Miami is a indie arcade game where you wear a rubber mask and go kill some russians in a white suit.
The combat is simple: You kill an enemy with 1 hit, but he too, so you must be fast and have a accurate timing or you will easily die.
The better part of the game is the soundtrack, frenetic as fuc#, make you feel like John Wick or somethig, really incredible.
I give a 10/10 for the game, one of the better indie games of all time.

Better than Episode One and good as Half-Life 2; this game is just a masterpiece. Tell a great history, have cool moments with epic soundtracks, awesome level design (principally in the car levels) and the ending... Oh the ending... Please Gabe, release the Part Three

Pior Half-Life que já joguei, mas não chega a ser ruim como jogo. Muito chato do ínicio ao fim, não tem quase nenhuma adição na história, o único ponto bom é a trilha sonora frenética pra caramba. O episódio dois é excelente, mas esse não.
(jogado em 07/01/22, review atualizada em 04/09/22)