Disregarding the dumb pointless plot, the combat in this is one of a kind! It’s super satisfying stringing together a bunch of curved bullets, and the snappy cover system is pretty good. Would love to see this type of shooter on a next gen system without all the loading screens (ideally as an original IP not based on a forgettable movie from the 2000s).

For a simple movie tie-in game, this was charming and reminded me a lot of what I loved about the film’s unique art style. Snoopy looks great as a platformer but doesn’t play too smoothly (grabbing onto ledges would’ve helped).

A fun game I probably would've obsessed over in middle school during computer class trying to 100%. It's simple and addicting but not enough to warrant completing all the goals. It was just nice to return to the world of Minit and I really REALLY a proper sequel isn't too far away.

Well it's a noticeable improvement from whatever the first game's campaign was, though that's not saying much. For sure feels like they were trying to design more memorable setpieces and thoughtful level design akin to the Call of Duty games. But the story and characters are still weak; the opening mission set in the flashback was actually really effective tho once you realize the plot is just another "macguffin super weapon", you've already seen this before and it's over way too fast.

A pretty good attempt at emulating the films but hoo boy did almost everything about this game age like milk. I guess this is still prolly the best 3D Indiana Jones game but that's also kind of a bummer.

Not as much fun as the 1st HAWX.
The best thing to come out of these games were the MEGA64 ads.

the Pirates of the Caribbean level was a blast but that's really all that's worth remembering about this game.

Some clunky controls but visually this just works at capturing the Looney Tunes creativity in video game form. Lots of imaginative settings that keep you wanting to see what the next crazy world has in store, set pieces that unfold like real cartoon shorts.

yo this game is wild. you attack people by getting flat really fast and the game has a story tho they didn't bother translating the localization to America. But it doesn't even matter because there's so much personality in each stage. Now's the time for a Switch remake with ray-tracing.

Another case where I feel like people wouldn't have such a vitriolic memory of this otherwise fun GameCube adventure title if the publisher's were more upfront about what kind of game this was. Even before it was common knowledge this originally had nothing to do with Star Fox, you could tell right away that this was weirdly dangling the IP in front of the player to keep you invested rather than winning you over with it's own ideas. I think the dinosaur worlds are really imaginative and discovering them was genuinely exciting but as far as the actual storytelling this game's got really nothing.

Very cute and has its own distinct personality while still being a convincing retro game. The issue is that it’s probably too simple/short to recommend. Would love to see what else these developers make.

best garage sale purchase I've ever made.

James Urbaniak and the rest of the voice actors make this the most fun of the Fallout New Vegas DLC even if the world feels empty. Still, in comparison to the others which feel like mods slapped together by fans at a sleepover, this does a decent job setting up the stakes of the story and has creative ideas mostly throughout.

back when movie tie-in games were a dime a dozen and usually pretty terrible, this was actually a great companion piece to the film.

A fun 3rd person shooter with surprisingly inspired direction that’s unfortunately still attached to a mediocre story and forgettable setting.