25 reviews liked by darksideofhell22

The only scary part of this game was when it deadnamed me

The folder was empty, is the game stupid?

This game had some quite creative of scaring me, and the fact that it knew my email without me giving it. I’m not the biggest fan of the ending though

Government Plates is their best album.

ENG: The sadness of the end. The happiness of being there.

ESP: La tristeza del fin. La felicidad del haber estado.

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Es un gran juego, creo que la conciencia colectiva piensa que la muerte es algo a lo que hay que tenerle miedo, esta visto como algo "tabú", los protagonistas entienden lo contrario, morir acompañado con la gente que querés y haciendo lo que te gusta, creo que así nos gustaría ir a todos.

Pretty great environmental storytelling. Almost like an interactive 5 minute short film. Frustrating that my great checkers set-up got ruined. I was well on my way to one last W.

yakuza characters playing mahjong in an underground casino minutes before kiryu bursts through the door covered in blood and caves their skulls in

What if PT but a playground slide? Liked how it throws new things at you and amounts to more than just one jump scare (common for this sort of Itch free horror game). Crawl mechanics were definitely a bit odd. Worth 10-15 minutes of your time.