THIS is where SWTOR really starts for me. It's big, it's bombastic, it doesn't feel like they're trying to squeeze all the content they can from only a few assets. The default campaigns are good but this expansion makes them feel basically akin to the short origin scenarios in Dragon Age: Origins. I would never want this or KotET to be actually canon but they're perfect for this little offshoot Star Wars universe where they can just go balls to the wall whenever they want.

Veryyy reverent and referential to Kotor 1 to the point that it's almost goofy, but that kinda is the whole point of the MMO so that's okay. On the bright side it did introduce My Wife (lana beniko).

Changed my life bro. Not for the better, but it changed it

The writing is so goddamn cringe but this is still an amazing DLC. Adds so much fun content that I can't even stay mad.

People gassed this game up wayyy too much man.

idk if this makes sense but I've always thought this game is probably what the average JRPG feels like to Japanese people.

"Hey guys what if we just put the whole actual ending in a DLC a year later that'd be so funny right."

It exists. Though I sometimes wish it didn't. Mainly while playing it. Kinda worth it for the scenes with your party members though.

Also just not a fan of Felicia Day in this (she's wonderful in Adventure Time though)

Her recruitment quest is boring af but Shale makes the game infinitely better and her backstory is great so it balances out.

spent as much of my life in this game as I did in Skyrim

This game answers the seemingly unsolvable question "what if Borderlands had good writing?"

Very dated, pulpy, and silly, especially when you're already familiar with anything Star Wars, but it's a grand old time and its impact will never go away.

SWTOR keeping this sphere of Star Wars alive through the years has definitely made me look at it differently, especially given the huge reverence people have for it both in and out of universe, because my feelings on this first game after replaying it aren't that different from when I was a kid.

The story and characters are great fun as long as you don't take things too seriously, which is why the tone people sometimes take when talking about this game (and how much better it is than literally any other Star Wars story) has always kinda baffled me. But I can still appreciate how mind blowing this must've been when it came out for so many fans, and I get why it's still so loved to this day. Some of the lore additions are genuinely interesting, even if they're not expanded on much until later games.

I liked this game, but couldn't make myself love it. The sequel, however...

Look... it's not good but you don't understand this was my FF7