I play games sometimes (finishing them is an entirely different discussion, however).
Personal Ratings


Replay '14

Participated in the 2014 Replay Event

GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event


Played 250+ games

GOTY '22

Participated in the 2022 Game of the Year Event

Busy Day

Journaled 5+ games in a single day

3 Years of Service

Being part of the Backloggd community for 3 years

GOTY '21

Participated in the 2021 Game of the Year Event


Played 100+ games

On Schedule

Journaled games once a day for a week straight

Favorite Games

Bravely Default
Bravely Default
Pokémon Platinum Version
Pokémon Platinum Version
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC


Total Games Played


Played in 2024


Games Backloggd

Recently Played See More

Harvest Moon: One World
Harvest Moon: One World

Jul 24

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

Jul 22

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

Jul 12

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Jun 15

Soul Hackers 2
Soul Hackers 2

May 20

Recently Reviewed See More

This is one of those games where a good majority of the "hardcore" HM fans will throw it away after playing the tutorial, and it's not entirely unwarranted. But for some reason this one just hooked me when I got it on Switch, though I ended up never finishing it on there. Got it on Steam sometime last year and decided now was the time to sit down and play it from start to finish. I think there's a variety of issues with the lack of direction and random difficulty spikes, but overall the game is fairly hands off with the freedom you have starting in early game which is pretty cool and unusual for farming sims. I think 100%'ing this game would add like a billion hours cause of the amount of random shit you can do (and need to do to unlock various things), but it might be a fun side project to revisit from time to time. While it may not be "Harvest Moon" at its core, it was still an enjoyable time.

Machina of the Planet Tree -Unity Unions- is definitely not the greatest game of all time, and while the somewhat obvious lack of variety in gameplay does make you wonder how the game came to fruition, I do think this is an enjoyable game if you're into PvE with a Diablo-esque style of shuffling weapons/equipment around constantly. It's actually fairly fun to experiment with different equipment builds to challenge yourself in the otherwise lacking content of the game. Roughly a 7/10 in my book.


+ Gameplay is pretty simple to understand and master quickly
+ Equipment building is pretty fun
+ Able to experiment with different play-styles based on said equipment building
+ Quick game to finish, easy to pick up and set down as needed
+ Minions are a fun mechanic that ties into the story somewhat
+ Main character is cute


- Game is not worth the $19 full price unfortunately, pick it up when it's on sale though!
- After you beat the main story, if you're interested in playing the game again for difficulty-related achievements, (1) harder difficulties don't supersede easier ones (meaning you need to play every level on every difficulty) and (2) inventory management becomes the biggest time investment which can be a real slog
- Story is extremely inconsequential and can be ignored/skipped entirely
- While I praise the equipment building, some traits/equipment are just vastly better than others at a core level, so it may get boring after a while
- Not easy to compare equipment, can't combine/craft amulets like you can staves.

Faithful remake to the original with fairly good added content. Level design (for the most part) is good but some levels are kinda bad. Game controls like an absolute brick and Mini-Mario sections (aka, all of ng+) are god awful because Mini-Mario does not like to listen to you in the way you want him. Enjoyed the first half of the game, second half was tedious, extra levels were okay. Probably not worth the price tag but was some good nostalgia.