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Time Played

17h 13m

Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

October 28, 2023

First played

October 16, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


After 4 and 5 both had multiple protagonists, 6 takes it back to just Kiryu being the main focus as part of concluding his “saga” (though, not so much anymore with Gaiden and Infinite Wealth around the corner).

While I’ve seen people complain that because it’s the first entry in the series to use the ‘Dragon Engine’ the combat isnt quite as good, I’d say it’s probably the best it’s been - excluding the ‘Heat’ actions, which, are semi replaced with an ‘Extreme Heat’ mode that allows you to do more damage (Hear actions are still present, but they barely appear anymore). It feels smoother and more responsive, and yes, sure, it‘s a little bit floatier than previous entries with the ragdoll physics but, that never caused me too much of an issue.

To me, 6 also had one of the better storylines of the series. Focusing primarily on Kiryu trying to protect his family (yet again, of course) whilst having some of the most emotional weight there’s been so far.

6 also moves the location again from Kamurocho (though, Kamurocho is featured at the start/End) to Onomichi - a city in Hiroshima.Unlike previous entries’ scenery change ups, Onomichi is more of a quiet, laid back city - less bright lights, more peaceful scenery.

This would’ve been the perfect send off for Kiryu if RGG had committed to it, with the ending having a dramatic (and quite emotional) conclusion closing it out the story from the previous 6 games (if we include 0). However, I’m not exactly upset that it’s not the last one Kiyru will be present for, he’s just such an endearing yet intense character and I’m not yet ready for him to leave for good.