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This was my most anticipated game of the year. I enjoyed it and found it disappointing. This game felt crushed under the weight of its own padding - endless side quests, world traversing, and elongated story sections that should otherwise feel urgent in terms of pace and emotional intensity (the Temple of the Ancients is an especially frustrating example). I am curious about the multi-verse they've introduced with this series, but dejected at how little they have done with it thus far. I waited in anticipation to see how the "unknown story" would change, only for it to be basically the same in the end.

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I picked up this game to scratch my collect-a-thon itch, and I have to say it did satisfy that. However, the level design for the majority of worlds (see note) and, in particular, the bosses (I am looking at you I.N.E.P.T.), often soured the enjoyment of collecting - they were repetitive, drawn out, charmless, and seldom rewarded a mastery of the game controls. I do feel accomplished for managing to get 100 pagies and reach the final boss, but I am not sure that I would recommend this game to a friend.

There are notable exceptions, like Galleon Galaxy post-expansion.


This is honestly one of the most visually stunning games I've ever played, but the climax left me wanting.