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divinemachinery finished Half-Life
really big fan of the half-life series!! a bit of a rough playthrough and it requires a lot of saving and keeping an eye on resources. still one of my favorite games though

11 days ago

divinemachinery reviewed Cult of the Lamb
finished the main story. this game really stuck with me!! for someone who doesnt really play action roguelike games - i really enjoyed it. love the story and the art is super cute. taking care of the cult gets a little annoying but its still fun!!

11 days ago

divinemachinery reviewed Imscared

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played this one a while ago. had lots of fun!! i lovee the horror of this and the puzzles were fun. had an aesthetic that really fits for it. heavily recommend playing this with a group of friends so they can get really mad and yell at you for not understanding the train puzzle.

11 days ago

divinemachinery reviewed It Steals
this actually freaked me out. had me on the edge of the seat and constantly closing the game cause i didnt want to get caught. heavily recommend!! this game really takes getting chased to a new level. i also like how it throws you in first before giving you the instructions. really adds a lot to the fear

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

divinemachinery is now playing DreadOut

11 days ago

11 days ago

divinemachinery is now playing Fatum Betula

11 days ago

11 days ago

divinemachinery reviewed Cold Front

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dude these two had SOMETHING going on im not even lying what was happening here. i really like this game though, villian design is amazing and i love the imagery. though some of the dialogue had me cringing and made me want to have picked the bad option. but i still had fun!! its a good game to play and i love the characters

11 days ago

divinemachinery reviewed Half-Life 2
REALLY GOOD GAME!! it really withstands through time and very memorable. i struggled a lot at some parts with navigating but that doesn't matter. also does really well with being genuinely scary at some parts also. love the story, and all the characters are great. BARNEY CALHOUN MY BELOVED

11 days ago

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