I really wanted to like this game. I mean, It looks so cool! But I can't get over the controls, they're just so clunky and annoying. The enemies also do a lot of damage, and because of the controls it's pretty hard to dodge. This is especially terrible because the game uses a system with continues, and you only get 3

Really bad and lacks a lot of content, but it's funny to laugh at with friends

It's Peggle but for DS and slightly worse, which is still pretty good cuz it's Peggle. It controls pretty good on DS and it's great to have this game portably, but the graphics are a lot worse and some things about the physics feel off at times.

Has a lot of charm, but can be very frustrating at times

Fun little game, although it can be slightly frustrating. I tried Chipset v2 for a few minutes and gave up lmao


I finally beat all 4 chapters on Hurt Me Plenty!! It's incredible how well this game still holds up today and how much pure fun it still is to play. Iconic for great reason!

Incredible game!! The only real problem I have with it is the placement of a lot of the later gifts and the ace solutions for a few of the later levels. At the start they were really fun to figure out myself but later some of those were way too complicated to figure out myself. Aside from that it's a really good game. I even liked the story!

I'm bad at this game and feel no desire to get better. The annoying arcade difficulty doesn't help with this. It's well made tho

Neat at first, annoying later and then there's 70 more levels

Was really enjoying this until I got to the expert stages, classic case of Skill Issue™ but those were just frustrating to me so I stopped playing