You already know what this game is. I really like it and it offers a lot of actual challenge. The one thing I don't like at all is the fact that all of the actual songs that you want to play are locked behind a paywall and the base game only offers pretty much a bunch of dubstep which I personally don't care for.

Multiplayer is fun since you can compete for the best score on the song and your character gets projected if you are winning. However, if the lobby is playing a song that you don't own, you are forced to spectate only and can't play. You can't even listen to the song, so it's just you watching other people slice blocks with no music at all. It seems like this game REALLY wants you to cough up the money to buy everything they offer, which gets pretty expensive. Also, I haven't found a way to get into a party with someone to play in a public lobby, so I don't think there is a way, which means we are forced to constantly requeue for a lobby and hope we get into the same one.

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2022
