Sights & Sounds
- The art direction of the game is excellent; the characters and environments (mostly) look great
- The music is outstanding, especially the first boss's theme
- The animations in and out of cutscenes are all buttery smooth
- Enemy variety frankly could have been a little better

Story & Vibes
- The story is pretty thin, but it feels like most of the emphasis was put on the gameplay anyway
- You're more or less just trying to kill the villain, who wants to be immortal. Pretty standard plot fare
- From what I understand, more of the story is revealed post-game. I may come back and update this review once I circle back to play this one again
- The game doesn't take itself seriously. Despite the themes of death and decay, the game is actually quite lighthearted and sometimes very funny ("She died as she lived. With a pot on her head").

Playability & Replayability
- The controls are nice and tight. Dodging and movement feel fantastic, particularly during combat
- Combat itself is a game of positioning, mostly because there's no stun when you hit enemies (other than wizards). Many of them will keep moving through your attacks to hit you
- Because of the above points, it feels like attacks have no "weight". It kinda brings combat down as a whole. You feel like you're just tickling enemies to death
- The puzzles don't ever get very difficult, but some of them are pretty creative
- The boss fights are unfortunately very tedious. Giving them a bunch of HP instead of a larger variety of attacks is a cheap replacement for actual difficulty that comes at the expense of the player's enjoyment. Boss designs are excellent, but fighting them is a bore. Even the last phase of the final boss is just a bunch of recycled attacks from his previous phases

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game ran at a consistently high framerate, and I experienced no stuttering or sound issues. I don't think I witnessed any bugs, either
- Despite the art, music, and controls all being superb, this game isn't as enjoyable as it could be
- I can handle the narrative shortcomings and the often slow pace of combat, but the boss battles really tarnish the experience. The game is still fun to play, but it's like a Ferrari with a giant dent on the hood: wonderfully made, but all you can focus on is the glaring flaw

Final Verdict
- 7/10. This game was 1 or 2 good boss fights from being one of my favorites. As it stands, it's still a good isometric action-adventure game. I would recommend picking it up on sale. It's a nice 10-15 hour experience, but it'll make you a little mad thinking about how good this game could have been

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024

1 Comment

Totally agree. I wish this one of the greats, but it's not quite there. Maybe their next game will hit that level. I wouldn't be surprised at all.