It's like playing an episode of South Park, except it's an RPG, and I'm not a huge fan of RPGs...

This was my favourite game I played this summer.

When it wasn't crashing half the time

This was a satisfying journey of rags to riches to slightly nicer rags.

Not made for people who like to take more than 0.3 seconds to think or blink. A good exercise in paying attention.

Way better on PC than console. No issues buying it twice to test that experiment.

Holds up very well in today's age. Great platforming, sticky soundtrack, and it will probably still kick your ass.

When this game wants you dead, you die. Iconic levels and weapons, janky yet precise platforming, and enemies that spawn on your head (infinitely)

Absolute clinic in platforming, insanely intense boss fights, soulful and unique graphics, timeless soundtrack, very engaging enemies, and one of the most unique mechanics in eggs.

Wednesday is a stupid day to close your store, Pierre.

My first Metroid so I'm a bit biased. Excellent intro to the series, linear but still hard

I pirated this game before Advanced edition came out and promptly uninstalled and bought it.

If you liked the megaman battle network series, and you still like anime, you will like this.

Baby's first tactics game, unforgettable story, very satisfying gameplay

If I didn't play Hollow Knight for the first time this year, Wonder would be my Game of the Year