So I'm not the best at video games even though I want to believe I am so when a FromSoftware game like Bloodborne fell into my lap it took me years to beat it. I bought this game way back when I was a child with a PS4 and Christmas money only ever really diving in it and actually giving it a shot as an adult.

To say this game is fantastic feels like a massive understatement. Of course it's fantastic it's a FromSoftware game. But this game in particular stands above the rest. It is peak gothic horror, it is action, it is sadness, it is happiness, it is hardship and it is triumph.

Playing these kinds of games always made me feel awful, like I wasn't good enough and will never be good enough to see what others see in them but through playing this I learned that's what everyone feels at the start. Upon completing this game it's like I've finally joined that VIP club that can say "Yeah I like Soulsborne games" and that feels so fucking amazing.

I do wish these games were a bit more.... cinematic in their storytelling and that I didn't have to watch VaatiVidya videos on YouTube to properly understand the story of each game but damn, FromSoftware games will leave a lasting mark on you. 10/10

CDProjektRED really said "How much depression can we fit into this game?" and It was amazing. I played and completed Cyberpunk 2077 on the default Xbox One before the game even officially came out, I was playing on a pre patch version of LAUNCH CONSOLE CYBERPUNK.... and I didn't have many issues. I got lucky enough to explore this extremely immersive, extremely depressing, extremely lovable world and story the day it came out and I've been in love with this game, this IP, and this studio ever since.

The one and only DLC for this game titled "Phantom Liberty" released recently and after playing that I was sort of sad. Not because it was bad or anything quite the opposite it was yet another example of CDProjektRED's quality writing and makes me excited for the future of the IP. I was sad because this would essentially be the last content drop for this game I hold so dear to my heart. I was on the frontlines fighting and defending this game with my entire being and now.... it's finally over.... at least until the sequel releases which is confirmed to be happening (yay!).

Cyberpunk 2077 is not a perfect game, not by a long shot. What it is however is a very personal story, a story that many people like myself can relate to, set in a vibrant, violent, alluring, dangerous world much like the one we live in today. You experience loss, love, anger, sadness and happiness all alongside your character and the journey just feels EARNED. Like you really picked up this game, stepped in the shoes of this character named "V" and said "Yeah I'm gonna make something of myself" and that's exactly what the game wants you feel like. This game is about letting the player know that time on this Earth is finite and if you don't get up and make something of yourself or fight for what you believe in you will fade into obscurity and this message perfectly aligns with the beginning and ending(s) of the game. You can either die a legend as someone important, someone to look up to and leave your mark on the world or fade away and just be another unimportant face in the crowd staying complicit in your averageness.

When people ask me why I love Cyberpunk 2077 so much I'm always at a loss for words because It's simply impossible for me to express just how much this game changed me for the better and essentially rewrote my entire brain. Playing a CDProjektRED game will change your entire life, this game is a prime example of that. 10/10.

So when someone asks me what my idea of a perfect game is, I always say something like The Witcher 3. Why? Because it has everything you want and shit you didn't even know you wanted in a game.

Beautiful open world that isn't boring to live in, heartfelt tearjerker absolute masterpiece of a story and script for the base game and the even better expansion packs, lovable characters that will seriously make you rethink how side characters in video games are handled, amazing easy to learn combat that will forever be satisfying which is paired with an engaging build system, an addicting card game activity that the game will forever encourage you to play more and to top it all off beautiful graphics that still hold up despite the game being released in 2015.

It's something about CDProjektRED games that always leave the player with a "What the fuck did I just experience" thought in their mind after finishing their games and this is the reason why The Witcher 3 will forever be one of my favorite games of all time.