2 reviews liked by earofsauron

Well, it was a tough road. Ok I'm lying calling this tough would be an insult, this may quite possibly be the most merciless, relentless, soul-crushing and dare I say lobotomizing experience I have ever undergone in gaming and I despise it with every fiber of my being. No game has ever brought out such unfathomable rage in me as this game has, this game is genuinely out to kill you and drag you down to your lowest possible state.

But even then, despite it all, despite everything I've said above and will say in the future, I still love this game. The writing, characters, thematic messages and implications, all of it, everything and fuck it even the gameplay. If you the reader can persevere from everything this game throws at you as part of its masterfully crafted ludonarrative, one day you'll see the light. Quite possibly the greatest ludonarrative ever conceived

This game won't just tell you that life is worth is living, it'll go beyond and ask you to kill yourself just to test how hard you WANT to live. Unironic 10/10 masterpiece, I would wish this game upon my worst enemy.

This was a triumph
I'm making a note here: huge success
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

Lobotomy Corporation
We face the fear to build the future
For the good of all of us
Except the ones who are dead

But there's no sense crying over every breach event
You just keep on trying till your sanity is spent
And the day gets done, though the abnos are never gone
For the clerks who are still contained