As an experience, is very entertaining, i did not enjoy the story too much, which takes all the game, as is what links everything, but the gameplay is so relaxing that i kinda not care.

Cuphead is a game with a lot of personality, each boss is so different, and although sometimes it can be a bit lacking, it usually is a very well paced game

I could play Crash 3 non stop. Is absolutely amazing, every level, every boss, every power has so much personality. Every time i play it i discover a new way to enjoy it more, is amazing, and so short for everything it has to offer

It improves over the first one on literally everything, and gives us a very complete game, even the boss battles have been upgraded to such a fun experience.

Absolutely stunning, the visuals, the soundtracks, the controls, the characters. Everything works so well and it being one of the first huge indie games, man, Cave Story is unforgettable.

Is such an enjoyable game to this day. The maps are memorable, every weapon is fun to use, it is what COD should be, and what sadly stopped being.

It is silly, is fun, is simple yet gets complicated very quickly with so many fun puzzles.