You know, considering all the flack i saw this game get, I ended up enjoying the heck out of it.
loved getting to explore the Andromeda Galaxy and really got into characters and just got totally immersed into it.
I can understand the gripes with it and did run into a couple bugs, but most of it's seems patched up.
And i could understand fans being dissappointed when it was first released since it's not much of a step up from the previous series.
But personally, i had a great time with it.

Game may have been very influential, but these days feels a bit bare and gets a little monotonous at times. The Warthog stuff can also go to hell, that thing controls like ass, and gets very frustrating. I enjoyed using the other vehicles though. Overall, it's not bad for what it is.

An absolute beauty of a platformer and best Rayman game IMO. This and Origins are two of my favorite games.

Never been a fan of the Castlevania series, but i enjoyed this alot. I liked the story and the God of War play style they went for.

I really enjoyed playing this, think it's a really solid game, but the ending flat out sucks and was not a worthwhile pay off to the journey at all, it's like they didn't bother with it.

Despite never seeing the movie, I remember seeing the previews for the game and thinking it looked quite fun. I never bothered to look at the reviews though and ended up getting it for Christmas. I'd say it was fun for a little bit but that quickly unravelled and then I barely touched it. Very bland and basic fighter.

GOAT 2D football game, played wonderfully on Super Nintendo.

Massive step-up from Just Bring It!. Feel like it gets overshadowed by Here Comes the Pain alot, but this was still a very good predeccsor.

Last in the Smackdown VS Raw series and arugably its peak built on everything from the previous games in good ways, had a myriad of features. But the one thing I liked most, was slamming people onto weapons like ladders and stairs and how the wrestler's bodies would react in different ways. Sounds silly, but this the game where the reactions were the best and just really added to the experience for me. Definitely one of my most played wrestling games.

A rare occasion where a video game adaptation of a film is not only better but far far superior. This was honestly better than it had any right to be. I liked how brutal it was and added its own litter story bits. Gameplay is solid too, pretty repettive sure, but it always remained fun for me throughout.

Took the mechanics from 2007 and improved on them and added some nice extra bits. Was the last wrestling game I owned on PS2, think it was potentially my second favourite WWE game on the system.


Before Read Dead Redemption, Gun really nailed the cowboy game, completely blew me away when it first came out.

God I used to love playing this. Another one of those rare games that I always liked coming back to, mostly for the amount of creative kills that could be done, made for a very fun action game.

After the monumental Here Comes The Pain, this really felt like a step below in comparison, not bad, just average, and lacked an edge to make it stick out.

An absolute favorite PS1 game of mine, always loved playing through it and coming back to it. Just a very fun platformer with a good variety of levels and that nice Looney Tunes touch.