Feels like the game Remedy always wanted to make.
You can see how they evolved from max payne 1-2 with straightfoward levels but high concept gameplay (bullet time); Then to alan wake an action thriller inspired by David Lynch and Stephen King with even bigger levels than max payne; After that a setback with Quantum Break not achieving the mix of live action with video game while also scaling down the ambition of the game changing drastically with choices and interconnected narrative between the two.
With Control the high concept gameplay is more expansive than bullet time, light and shadow mechanics or time manipulation powers, now you have a full array of psychic powers that the protagonist Jesse Faden can use. The level size is massive in comparison with those games and very different in progression as The Oldest House is a metroid style open ended space.

Even the failed experiment with Quantum Break mixing live action with video game actually have paid off here, the calls from director Trench (and a few others) are presented as live action and displayed on top of the normal gameplay like some vision or ghost suddenly appearing (live action is also used to make Lost/Darma style lore dumps, very good).

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023
