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5 days ago

jeanlepoint finished Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
I have a deep love for BSG and enjoyed my time playing as a commander in the game. However, this enjoyment was very short-lived. After completing the tutorial, it felt like I had already seen everything the game had to offer.

The gameplay experience quickly became monotonous and repetitive, turning into a tiresome grind. Each encounter felt like a deja vu: you and your fleet jump to a new location, only to be met by Cylon enemies who were either already there or appear shortly after. The battles are predictable. The same skirmishes, tactics, and command sequences played out repeatedly, leaving little room for surprises or strategic depth.
The game seemes to intentionally limit access to resources, making it challenging to build up a strong fleet (you will need more than one) and nearly impossible to (effectively) fortify the twelve colonies.

On a more positive note, the graphics and sound design are well-executed and help to create an immersive atmosphere. The option to watch a replay of your battles, which mimic the style of the TV show, is a nice touch. However, after watching it once, there isn't really any reason to give it another shot.

While Deadlock has its moments, the lack of variety in gameplay and the ongoing struggle to acquire resources make it difficult to stay engaged for an extended period of time. It's disappointing because the potential for an exciting and immersive game based on the BSG universe is definitely there, but it falls short in delivering a truly captivating experience.

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