292 Reviews liked by ethancrust


I want to start a new cola hate kind of cult, but against this cereal brand just because of this game. I want to go to the streets of new york and pour this sugary delight down the drains, so the rats can feast. That's what this cereal deserves, to be eaten by infested rats.
Was it so hard to not remake an already derivitive and dull doom clone? Why did they do this? Was it a tax write off? Did this spike the sale in Chex cereal? Why waste the money on this? If they really wanted in on this retro shooter craze, they could've just remastered the old version.

As protest I am just conclude this review by doing what this game does: repeat myself but in a more incoherent way.


so silly, i loved it ♡ gets a little repetitive and mind-numbing having to skip through so much dialogue to see every story completely though

Monopoly is a fine board game but is usually better when played with house rules, which is not supported here. I never learned how the auction system worked. Also this is just a bit clunky

An absurd technical achievement- cannot recommend this in good conscience unless you crave anti-intuition

Most useful grappling hook in gaming. Eat your heart out Batman

The best co-op game I've never been able to convince anyone to play with me ever despite numerous years of trying. It's still perfectly playable solo, but even then you just know it's meant for two.

I've seen other compare this to Four Swords and I think that's pretty accurate. Puzzles are fairly simple but really fun to figure out, and the game never takes itself too seriously. Even when you're griefing player 2 it still feels like it's all in good fun. There's not much of a story to this (why would there be?) but what's here is just the right amount of silly, and the sprite work does a great job at capturing the style of the show. The soundtrack is terrific too. Given how good both this and Four Swords are, it's surprising to me that there's not a bunch of indie clones.

It can get a bit dull in singleplayer, there's obviously something missing from the experience when you're going at it alone, but it's still fun enough if you want to waste away a Saturday afternoon.

Great little co-op game that doesn't overstay its welcome. The spritework is especially amazing. Take a minute to pause and see all the wacky expressions the characters make when you kick an immobile object, get hit, etc.

the coop on this was super duper fun, finished the game many times, and the main menu song gives me chills

Whatever. Graphically is nice at least.

If you get this, you're getting it for Aria of Sorrow. Honestly, the other games kind of suck, but its still worth at least experiencing though. Aria of Sorrow is so good that its worth it anyway.

Absolute banger classic. I do NOT replay games, and I replayed Cadence of Hyrule. Improves on Crypt of the Necrodancer in everyway, incorporating geniously a top-tier IP. I cannot praise this game enough.

fishing was a nightmare

I roleplayed so hard and build a ton of stuff and getting an own island was one of the childhood things ever

the motion controls suck though