A nice nightcap after some long days. Daily tidy is nice to keep playing every night but I wish there was some fun twists on the puzzles there.
A bit too short, I really enjoyed it and wish there was more.

I really like Foamstars; I like the game modes more than Splatoon for PVP by far but having them on timers to change up every so often, trying to push "events" and a boring PVE mode make it hard to want to jump in and wait up to 3 minutes (at best) for a match.

Honestly, the amount of first-person movement, especially on the climbing sections on moving platforms, made me so nauseuous I had to stop. Its not what I wanted anyways so I dunno if I'll bother going back

Really crude point n click bullshit stops this from being amazing, like why the hell was there so many blocks from progress for how many times I "LOOK" at a door? Come on.
The story goes some awesome places and I love the campiness. Great stuff!

Finally, a Silent Hill title that gets the right ambience and tone. Sure, it's not perfect but it hits all the right notes and does some really cool stuff. Also, it doesn't feel like it wastes your time.
This gives me some faith back in the series...

Really short, lots of style, fun enough but a bit slow moving.

There is so much to love about Dave the Diver but the constant barrage of new minigames and mechanics at some point felt less like they were adding to the experience and more becoming busy work detracting from my overall enjoyment.
Still an accomplishment to be sure!

This was such a broken and buggy mess to get through which ruined the experience and changed the overall score for me.

This was such a broken and buggy mess to get through which ruined the experience and changed the overall score for me.

This was originally called Backbone so that is what I will continue to refer to it by.