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January 8, 2024

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sure i didnt have high expectations for faith but it was kinda weird how much of a traction it had around so i was curious about it and i was sooooooooo let down by it i have no idea i just wanted to really like it way more than i actually did but theres some really weird design decisions that i cant ignore even though it takes a lot of gut to make a game inspired by this era of videogames where there were like 10 pixels on screen congrats

for starter this is a game with an 8 BIT aesthetic reminiscent of atari and shit (not that i actually know about it) and some of the best scares in the game are delivered by the sudden change of art style into hyper detailed rotoscope animations of monsters trying to get your ass ABSOLUTELY GENIUS and this also creates a damn good atmosphere of “i have no idea what to expect next after that scare it may come from anything” building tension over tension and making the player shit their pants . brilliant

what i wasnt really too fond of was the fact that the gameplay tires this formula too much the most youre gonna do is some slender man type collecting pages walking around a forest looking for some kind of story elements (i cant fucking believe i had to read all this stuff that makes no sense to me but WHATEVER its not like i hate reading or anything) while a chupacabra or something is trying to eat you alive and for some reason he can also random spawn from any part of the screen while youre trying to collect these fucking pages and fending him off with a christian cross because hes a priest or something

so umh probably the best part of the game and the most tense is the house with the possessed girl absolutely incredible sound design (silence) and thick atmosphere that escalates into another rotoscopic animation totally gorgeous if it werent for the fact that youre gonna have to go through a pretty shitty boss fight if you want the “best” ending and i cannot stress this enough just watch it on youtube i have literally no idea why they thought it was a good idea to put a pattern based fight into a game about walking and pointing crosses at stuff but OK strike 3 my man this game gets a mid vote im sorry i really wanted to like it but theres too much jank to it that outshines the actual good stuff and when a game has like 2 good scares that get repetitive after a while because youre gonna die so many times that youre gonna watch them over and over again the tension is completely gone sorry to the man i MAY be checking the next installments if some reviews convince me to do so but for now i was left with a bittersweet taste its not like i had the highest hopes but for a game this short i just wanted some less tedium and some better pacing

gotta say i liked some of the elements here like the aseptic music or the use of some latin here and there and those god awful synthesized voices that somehow managed to give the game some kind of identity i wasnt expecting but all in all they didnt compensate the negatives

plus i have no idea what the story is about the priest is there but the storytelling is so messy why is he in a forest why is he exorcizing the spirit of a girl in nowhere and why should i care about all these papers pretentious ass dont talk to me maybe i dont really like indie games all that much call me an hater

also what's with the tree monster in the cover art not being present in the game HELLOOOOOO