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December 31, 2023

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March 11, 2023

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(im on a mission to finish some left over reviews from the games ive played and post them before the end of the year or else theyre gonna show up in the game count of 2024 dont talk to me so its been a while since ive played \insert current game\ have fun with what i remember about it)

final fantasy vii was is and always will be a masterpiece its not my favorite final fantasy out there nor one of my favorite games of all times but the influence it had on the VG landscape is echoing to this day after almost 30 years so many people resonated with the story it managed to tell and the characters we all know and love and nobody could ignore the absolute might of twink cloud huge , sword umh definitely wasnt trying to say something sexual here nothing to see just normal administration yall i swear

it was huge it was revolutionary and it was great (great for the time today maybe there's a lot of stuff that does suck the minigames I fucking hate the game is so slow and the battles take forever BUT do I still love it ? yeah hell yeah fuck me cloud) and while i definitely have a lot of gripes about the original release rest assured that its definitely up there with some of the best experiences ive ever had in the videogame department

so as the most famous and most beloved FF game in the entire world absolutely everyone was fucking bawling at the remake of this classic and how does it fare ? its groundbreaking im sorry im absolutely in love with it and i will not have anyone shame on it because UGHHHHHHH its so so so good

this game is actually a remake of the very first act of final fantasy 7 which is basically till the escape of the gang from midgar and arguably the most iconic part of the whole game theres a lot of great scenarios in the original game and the more you go the story gets better and more convoluted but the first part of the game is definitely my favorite of the bunch midgar is a joy to explore getting a glimpse of the worldbuilding is a treat and the characters carry it for the most part

now having played ff7 is not strictly required but as you keep playing this game you understand stuff and can actually follow the story thanks to your previous knowledge of the original game because if you don't actually know how events played out in that one you're not gonna get some things that happen in this one I won't spoil it here but I will talk about it later so you're advised and I WOULD suggest to play ff7 first to enjoy this game to the fullest because it actually works as a re-imagining and not only a 1 on 1 remake so if you're willing to take my 5 cents I'm sure you're gonna enjoy this game more

story follows ex soldier cloud strife my traumatised sexy fucking twunk with a sword bigger than his entire body blondie with eyes to die for kinda tsundere and kinda submissive and breedable now I won't go talking about the entire lore and worldbuilding of this game so I will just talk about this as you actually know this stuff im not your teacher play the fucking game Nicolas I know you're reading this after we broke up 2 weeks ago because you found me fapping to cloud strife x zack fair rule34 porn

oh my god I just realised I got too much stuff to talk about no actually i will make this pretty short i dont got time for that i still got other games to review before new years eve lets get it with the speed writing

so ok let's just talk about the combat system and graphic overhaul ok ok I got this i can do it

do you remember the combat system in final fantasy 7 ? it has that usual final fantasy flair with the ATB gauge slowly replenishing and then you can act this time it's actually got an action rpg take with some hack and slash elements here and there and its actually FUCKING CRAZY I love beating the shit out of soldiers and monsters fuck its so great so there's some other stuff to aid the combat but the true nature of it all is button mashing until enemies break their defense and you get to FUCK them up

ATB gauge is here again but it's used to make some special moves instead of the usual attack like idk abilities or spells or items or summons or limits so yeah and plus you got a new mechanic called staggering now after beating the shit out of an enemy for some time it will become staggered and at that point it will take like x300 damage like FUCK so great I love this mechanic so like the thing is enemies got some weaknesses that replenish the stagger gauge faster so it has also some kind of tactics around here like that's great

apart from being a fucking blast to play you also get to play as every other character in the team during a battle or command them while you use another character and thats actually great you can play as either cloud or tifa barrett and aerith and theyre all great to play how do you even make something like that tell square enix I want to know

you got also the equipment mechanic from the original where you use materias to add some abilities or spells or bonuses to the character by equipping them and upgrading them and then using them in battle BOMB and also they added a great thing that actually reminded me of ff9 where the new weapons you equip provide you with some abilities and when you actually get 100% proficiency you acquire this skill and you can use it even when you have another weapon equipped which means I ended up capping all the weapons for all the skills yeah I also did that with ff9 so maybe im mentally ill

and the bosses are all great even tho most of them are just machines from the first part of the og game that took like 2 minutes to beat but still it's yeah … yeah and also sephiroth I love sephiroth sephiroth please give me your babies my mentally ill meow meow

while i definitely do think yall are right with the entire “AAA battle mechanics and shit” i can say that i still had a lot of fun using different characters battling enemies and exploring midgar all over again and yknow i just had a lot of fun with this type of gameplay i would purposely go in battles because the combat system is THAT good and i ended up doing all the side quests because its just UGHHHH such a fun game honestly and again the true highlight is the depth that went into the characterization of midgar

in the OG game most of the stuff youre gonna go through are story dependent and theres not much insight to the entire starting chapters that to be said that i LOVED the fact that this game completely overhauls the experience of the beginning chapters because now these places feel alive brimming with life and are an absolute joy to traverse the shinra building is a masterpiece the streets of midgar are incredible and full of characters they also added some more scenarios that were either really short or not even included in the original and its just incredible and when you add the fact that most of the storylines were also lengthened like the entire avalanche squad actually having some sort of characterization and character development instead of being (spoilers) and theres that and i honestly love how much more focus they put into these guys

most of the characters from the main party got even explored to new depths and theres a lot of fanservice for people who actually played the original so youre gonna have a lot of fun with this one rest assured aerith is still my absolute baby i love that girl with all my spirit and shes still my favorite one of the bunch tifa is still the tomboyish big tittie girl we all know and love barret is actually super sexy now what happened and most of the avalanche and side characters do have some shining moments here and there

while i could talk endlessly about this i got a deadline soon so i cant really do that but i love this new iteration of characters we already know and when you add the absolutely incredible art direction that brought a whole new light to the characters and sceneries it blows it absolutely out of the park

i cannot overstate enough how beautiful everything looks in here every single character model is so faithful to the original and yet so modern and gorgeously rendered every single part of midgar has such a lushious and wondrous feeling to it even something like caverns or industrial machineries or huge lands of junk are incredible to traverse sometimes i would just stop and look at the landscape with awe because this is possibly one of the best looking final fantasy game ive ever played till now and one of the most incredible art direction ive ever seen in the videogame department period its such a blast to go through im not gonna lie

that to say that what really gets the most out of this new art overhaul are the towns now most of the towns in the original game are pretty austere and not that interesting to go through now i know the limits of the time im not gonna act like ff7 is lacking but seeing streets and shops and districts that you grow so much accustomed to brimming with life with so much going on characters talking people living their lives and so much stuff to see and do its just jawdropping to me how incredible this is

umh i could talk endlessly about the art direction the character designs and the overall masterful UI but this would get infinite and im trying to be real fast here so shoutout to the fucking music which is by far my favorite part of the game an absolute MASTERPIECE of compositions and arrangements old and new which give a new light to songs as old as time itself and making them modern palatable and also super nostalgic now of course i prefer some of the original renditions but when you think about the fact that this OST has like 200 something tracks for so many different main events and side events you know and FEEL the incredible amount of work that was put into this and they did SUCH a good job

so im not gonna link anything but if you know you know sephiroth theme and those who fight further and basically all the boss themes i wont lie i listened to the entirety of this soundtrack for like a whole year and i still cant get enough of it

so ughhhh what else cloud fuck me in the ass fun side quests good gameplay loop incredible story and pacing absolutely stunning art direction mmmmmmmmmmmm and thats it i think im done ????? if you want me to actually simp more on this game contact me i can give you a 10 hours infodump alright i want to fuck red im sorry i needed to say this please dont report me to the police also i was hoping i could play as red but the developers said nuh uh only in the second part of the remake

now i want to address the elephant in the room so SPOILERS FOR THE VERY FINAL PART OF THE REMAKE

if you played this game which i think you did if youre reading this theres a huge chance that you have some sort of takes on the final plot twist now do i actually like it ? i dont know i still have to understand what theyre gonna do with it but in general im not really a huge fan of the multiverse type of narrative but i gotta be honest i cant say im not excited to see my little boo zack alive and breathing and being altogether the sexiest guy in the series i go to sleep and dream everyday about sucking his humongous cock and i gotta say fucking sephiroth up and the general flow of time was pretty cool

so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh unbelievable remake anyway im gonna tune in as soon as rebirth come out im so excited to see the gang going out of midgar and see what square enix is gonna do with my sweetest baby i swear to god if you make zack i villain im gonna book a flight for japan and fuck you up this is a thread

also please hire someone to optimize this game because wow the PC port is absolutely abysmal i played this at 30 fps and there were stutters EVERYWHERE what the hell square youre one of the greatest videogame companies in the world dont be shy get a debug team or something

side note i dont know why but breaking boxes with clouds huge sword was so much fucking fun