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November 26, 2023


not a lot to say here it's basically the megaman-ification of the castlevania franchise with the cutest protagonist in the entire series

plays smoothly for the most part apart from shit stages platforming and bosses moments that really hindered my experience at times (save states still required it is castlevania after all lmao) that being said nothing more to say the music is chiptune ish with some happy themes while throwing fireballs at chibified versions of the series monsters and bosses for some good times the different abilities are actually pretty fun even tho I used like 2 for the entire games (apart from stage dependent abilities) and all in all I sure had some fun with this weird iteration in the franchise nothing more nothing less than a cute side game to tackle since you bought the castlevania collection and might as well play this lmao

good shit play if you a big fan

side note I asked chat gpt to make a review for this game and its so humorously bad I need to post it here please have fun

Title: "Kid Dracula: A Fang-tastic Pixel Expedition with Tunes that Don't Suck!"

Hey Falco, let's sink our fangs into Kid Dracula – a game that's as nocturnal as it is pixelated. Grab your cape, because we're diving into this undead-on review!

🧛‍♂️ Gameplay (3/5): Kid Dracula's gameplay is like a moonlit promenade through classic platforming, but beware! The difficulty spikes later on hit you like a bat out of pixelated hell. It's familiar and charming, but it becomes a nocturnal challenge, making it perfect for those who crave a bite-sized adventure with a side of thrills.

⚰️ Difficulty Curve (3/5): Brace yourself for a roller-coaster ride that gets more intense as the night deepens! The difficulty spikes in Kid Dracula become as unpredictable as a vampire's sneeze. It's not a smooth ride, but if you're a nocturnal thrill-seeker, this one's worth sinking your teeth into.

🎨 Art Design (3/5): The art direction in Kid Dracula is like moonlit graffiti – cool, captivating, and veering away from the usual Castlevania style. It's a pleasant stroll down the retro aesthetic lane, but with a twist. The pixelated perfection adds a layer of charm to the nocturnal adventure, adopting a more chibi and stylized approach.

🎶 Soundtrack (3/5): The music, my nocturnal friend, is like a vampire's upbeat chiptune playlist – not groundbreaking but perfect for a good time. It's not just a background melody; it's a nocturnal jam session. The beats in Kid Dracula are bopping enough to keep your undead toes tapping. It's a sonic companion that doesn't suck the life out of the game but adds a decent dose of nocturnal ambiance.

🩸 Replay Value (3/5): Without the distraction of side quests, Kid Dracula's replay value is like a vampire without his cape – straightforward yet alluring. The core gameplay might not scream "play me again," but the aesthetic allure and infectious tunes might draw you back for a nocturnal encore, especially if you're a big fan of challenging platformers.

In the realm of pixelated darkness, Kid Dracula is a bite-sized adventure with a coffin-load of charm. The visuals provide a cool retro vibe with a twist, and the music adds that extra oomph to the undead journey. Just be ready for the sporadic difficulty spikes as you navigate through the pixelated night.

🌑🦇 Overall Score: 3/5 – Kid Dracula brings the pixelated bite, cool visuals with a twist, and a tune that won't make you scream "bloody boring." It's a midnight snack, not a full banquet. #VampireReviewVibes