Tails Noir 2021

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1 day

Last played

January 26, 2024

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words cannot express my disappointment and simultaneously my complete awe towards this game i have no idea how to convey what I feel about this altogether buy a letter

so somehow im a big fan of blacksad SHOCKER that a media who has furries and also has my boo my baby my sweet little husband my absolutely hot as shit hung gorgeous polite dominant sexy smirnov is one of my favorite things in the world so it came to NO SURPRISE . AT ALL that as soon AS I got to know that this game was a furry noir tale I had no other possibility if not to play it for better of for worse

backbone is the name I got to know this shit with and I will call it that way till the end of my days i don't care the developers decided to change the name or got copyright struck by someone or something of a greater force I have no idea what happened but its their fault anyway backbone was a SICK name and way more thematically coherent to the matter and twists specifically of the game so this is what the name of the game is I have no idea what tails noir is kisses

you're introduced to the main character of the game which is a pussy ass smelly dirty poor private investigator who also happens to live in a dystopia futuristic kind of vancouver and after getting a case about some missing people youre gonna uncover the secrets that lay below this wicked society

bomb premise amirite ? that's basically the premise of every single noir flavoured media in existence but always has a way to get me going theres a mystery and someone grieving for this mystery and youre out there trying to solve the mystery the end

so it's a secret to no-one how this game is gonna develop = investigative based text adventure with lots of talking and less action basically the blacksad game but I actually managed to finish this one without getting either too bored or too horny

what's interesting though is that it actually has a lot of freedom in the text based part where you're free to choose from a wide array of choices that don't really entertain any different story paths but it's just for personal sake: do you want lotor to be a cunty bitchass or a rude hobo or pretend to be an actually good investigator ? as I said the game doesn't reward you for choices but it was always pretty fun to go through like 5 different choices and choosing the most deranged unhinged disgusting responses to literally childs so there's that

while there's some simile action elements they won't ask you anything else than some sneaking around and touching items everywhere so for me it was kind of hit and miss BUT I hate stealth so it was definitely a good thing that they included these segments to be the most automated stuff in the world thank you

the story is pretty simple and I wont get into too much detail for now because trust me it gets into weird territory real fast this game is short so yknow its gonna happen sooner than you expect

from a narrative standpoint I liked the textbased part and the writing was competent or funny or weird most of the time I still have some kind of issues with how most of the characters are similarly written and they kind of mish mash together maybe excluding the fox girl the madame and the driver but everyone else is gonna disappear from my mind in tops 1 week so there's that

point of argue is the fact that they paint this beautiful backdrop of a city with some great worldbuilding elements (e.g. the wall) but seldom do they really get into lore territory or actually put into writing most of the stuff youre just gonna hear mentioned or see in the backgrounds whatsoever so THAT was probably something I wanted more depth poured infodumps are a big nono but at least I want to know why things are like this

so umh that being said the most gorgeous element of the game and possibly the best part of it all is definitely the art direction I kid you not every single frame of the game could be framed and hung in an art museum and nobody would know a thing literally JADROPPING level of pixel art both in the characters character designs and animations AND in the hyper detailed massive backgrounds and structures I had a blast just running in these streets BECAUSE of this shit sure as i said the entire gameplay loop isnt the tightest experience ive ever had in my life but just walking around in this world was a blast

the pixel art is particularly great and the disco elysium type of textbox was kind of neat but what i felt was really lacking was the fact that the characters (even the main ones) dont have character portraits which made them pretty less recognizable or interesting to look at than they wouldve if they had added some kind of little portrait to the side sure this is just me nitpicking but i would die to see the arts of some of the hotties in this game theres a lot of hunks up my alley and i had no idea how they looked like apart from those spriteworks

so yeah idk thats just something i was thinking of

that to say that the art direction is probably the best thing that came out of the entire game and still feels the most coherent stuff all the way through

lets talk SPOILERS shall we

so apart from the fact that the investigative phases were weirdly paced sometimes everything happened all at ones and sometimes nothing happens for like a hour but i digress most of the game is gonna play out in this investigative type of matter like discover the first secret and then investigate another area to get another secret and then another area for a plot twist then some gunplay then some blackmail then some femme fatale then this then that it checks all the boxes in the noir bingo and THEN all of the sudden it just gets into sci fi territory which is both controversial and bold at the same time

the game just starts crumbling on itself from here not because it actually gets bad (i liked the sci fi part of the game even though it was never really explained or really expanded upon and ended way to early for any sort of development or emotional punch to work but whatever) but because it starts deconstructing every single preconception you couldve had at the beginning of the game for how the story was gonna play out , did they manage to make it some sort of cathartic story line ? not really but it was interesting to see them take such a fucking bold decision all of the sudden and while they also stated that the game was rushed and the story was left somehow unfinished or whatever the fuck they meant in that PDF file i didnt particularly hate this change of pace and realistically i was having so much fun with exploring this huge huge plot twist and story diversion

all in all the emotional finale didnt stick with me either because i just didnt end up vibing with lotor at all during the games runtime or because i just generally feel like most of the characters were underdeveloped in many different ways even though the writing is pretty competent most of the time but what i mean is 3 months from now i will remember absolutely fucking nothing about the characters in this game apart from their general outline and role in the story . so theres that

for as much as a flawed experience this is i definitely was NOT expecting this soundtrack to be so gorgeously composed theres a lot of slutty jazz lounge types of tracks alternating with some moody ambience or nerve wrecking (thus good) industrial beats and unexpectedly enough voice tracks too this game has it all and they really aided the sense of immersion and overall aesthetic the game was going for

a pity i didnt end up liking this more it had everything to make a damn good impression on me narrative driven blacksad-like noir investigative storyline and type of gameplay impressive score and art direction with ONLY furries roaming through the cities this had EVERYTHING but i can say i still took something from this nonetheless

curious to see what they got in store for the BACKBONE and i repeat BACKBONE prequel so maybe i will dabble into this weird world once again but for now i can only leave with words of wisdom from lotors fridge: Call mom.

forgot a crucial detail: lotor looks like he got dick cheese