lost the chance to post this on halloween and yes I added this game because I need to talk about how much jerking material i consume call me a madman but somebody has to do that or else

so people need to know that first of all this is HOMOSEXUAL second of all this is PORN third of all this is FURRY be advised I already tried

introducing couple jasper and varahn furry boyfriends respectively a tiger and a ughhhhhhhhhhh whats varahn i think a dragon yeah possibly a dragon who according to that mouthful of a title are gonna get into a haunted brothel explore it from top to bottom and fuck everything that has a little bit of a conscience (false information unfortunately) and thats the main gimmick of the game lmao

coming from the same guy/people who made that stretch my hole game youre gonna predict most of the stuff thats gonna also be here but mainly 1) kinky stuff or bdsm leaning play 2) wholesome and sparse moments of emotional kiki 3) hypersexualised environments and situations therefore youre in for a hell of a weird title

that being said most of the gameplay elements play out as a traditional point and click youre gonna click away everything on the screen get some useful items and talk to some people and what theyre up to and generally get a sense of the hotel because damn youre gonna lose your orientation pretty quickly in there the place is HUGE and since its still WIP some areas are either incomplete or inaccessible yet so yeah its a shame BUT that doesnt mean this isnt worth checking out if youre the target audience

before the MEAT JAHAHAHAHAHAH I SAID MEAT of the game i gotta say that the state of the game itself is still pretty buggy some sound cues and music get cut off from time to time theres stuff that may or may not freeze the game the gallery is basically a mess to traverse and most of the time youre gonna have to deal with glitches that could also need you to reload the game but again that happens its not a finished game yet and its definitely way more complex than a vn to actually debug so i understand the sentiment

so if you didnt get it the main objective of the game is to get every gallery CG sure it doesn't actually "state" that you "have" to get all of them but since you're here for the porn you might as well get a full view of these gorgeous CGs and animations

now the art style of the game is more of a chibified take on most furry art you see around the characters are very little compared to the huge hotel and do have some nice portraits here and there there's a couple of guys youre gonna find that are INSANELY hot like the incubus is honestly such a hunk i love me some huge dicked power bottoms demons the deer guy is also pretty beefy if you know what i mean and i cant wait for the game to update some NSFW scenes with the blacksmith because RN it's a shame you don't get some action with him that being said all these sprites and portraits are gonna be moving in the hotel which is a 3d environment and I really enjoyed this contrast its really reminiscent of HD 2D titles and really add a lot to the game itself sure it's navigated like shit due to the controls being somewhat imprecise but nothing too annoying to make the game absolutely unplayable

for a game made purposefully to make you jerk off it actually succeeds in that at 100/100 points there's a lot of different erotic and sexual situations you're gonna get that usually cultimate in a CG/animation sex scene and the art is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous (im gonna put some screens of my playthrough to show the CG art style if you're interested here mind you theres some NSFW stuff and while they're not inherently "spoiler" if you want to go blind blind don't look at them also i dont know how imgur works so maybe you cant even access them anyhow) and has the good balance of artistically pleasing super funny and erotically charged I spent half of the game naked and im not gonna regret one second of that sure you have to be turned on by this kind of stuff its not really everyone's cup of tea but if youre the right target demographic this is as good an interactive porn furry gay comic can get and super most of the times they're overexaggerated or made to be quite hilarious but they end up being kind of sexy nonetheless as a porn connoisseur this is a damn good time not gonna lie probably my fav ones are the incubus x gargoyle the bullying one and the deer x lamb probably the most well executed narratively and jerking offingly

so yeah if you're not the recommended players for this game it's not that much of a treat but it's definitely worth checking out if youre not that convinced due to some really open minded writing absolutely funny as shit situations and conversations varahn and jasper being granted the most disgustingly hilarious punishments or the greatest of gods gifts = a bukkake in the gym

whatever can't believe I made a fool of myself on this site yet again

(played till 0.27 this information is useful only to me and not gonna put a score until its finished but for how much cum i lost at least it needs to be a 7/10)

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023


7 months ago

Kudos for writing one of the most honest reviews I've read in a while

7 months ago

@ThatOneGuy somebody had to do that