the way my jaw dropped all throughout this game at least 100 times because of how beautiful everything is in here damn

coming from the alan wake playthrough which honestly let me down I saw discussions around that were like “play control before AW2 or kill yourself” and I was like oh ! rude but let's get it and I'm SO glad I did this is a masterpiece dont get me started

I genuinely knew nothing about this game I think I saw it around on here maybe they even gave it a prize or something I have NO idea the only thing I knew is that it was gonna be another chore before AW2 but I ended up loving it so dearly

this game is a weird object of power to this moment i have no idea what the fuck am i supposed to think about the story theres a lot of segments words intricacies thrown around but at the end of the day if you ask me what happened in this game I cannot even begin to explain it to you but the whole gist is

jesse gets thrown into an enormous facility of super technological and scientific matrix which actually do a lot of weird things even tho its those “deeper you get the more laboratory ish it gets” resident evil 1 style in search for her lost brother and while doing that she realizes that a being called hiss is taking CONTROL hahahahahahahha OH LORD I SAID CONTROL HAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY ok anyway taking control of people in this structure and jesse has to take care of them because she's somehow special and can do a lot of paranormal stuff and all the people talk about her like she's the director of the game and she's kinda schizo she talks with a voice in her head

lets be real theres probably a lot of different lore elements story beats explanations that will give sense to the whole experience but I'm usually pretty stupid and if you don't say things to my face I don't get what's happening but the thing is this is a vibes first story second and there's nothing else to say about it

the vibes are UNMATCHED the oldest house is such an intricate maze like oppressive and dangerous and yet soothing setting that I found myself just exploring every nook and crannies to see what was lying below the surface and when I tell you this place has a LOT of variety in its nature every room and department is characterised by some things stuff that can range from day to day objects or something absolutely paranormal and that makes for an experience that is dreamlike in nature for yourself and for jesse too (she's still schizophrenic why the fuck is everyone schizophrenic in remedy like alan wake is schizo jesse is schizo what are you cooking)

while I definitely enjoyed its story beats even though I understood absolutely fucking nothing there's a part of me that wanted more of a coherent or at least explanatory story . don't attack me wait a sec . I love mind fucky stuff but the lack of real directions actually undermined jesse as a character and the side characters of the entire story like even when you find her brother nothing really happened in me I was like oh cool ! gyatt

so yeah I mean a more down to earth approach wouldve made it better in that department BUT I GOTTA SAY I loved not getting what the fuck was happening literally this game is so esoteric that not even the story proceeds in a linear manner stuff happens and all you can do is watch the events unfold with your brain functions shut off that's how I played it like call me stupid

I ended up liking jesse as a protagonist tho I saw some people shit on her in here and while yeah she's not like the most enjoyable approach ever it has to be said that her energy is also dependant to her surroundings (+ she's traumatised) and although this is the premise I genuinely enjoyed staying in her head she's so fun and quirky sometimes has somehow a sharp tongue and a twisted sense of humor and all in all I loved her not understanding what the fuck is happening because it was basically me during the entire playthrough

can I say I like pope I really like her she's so interesting and witty I would love to listen to her talking about data or some shit

so after all this i can confidently say that yes the vibes of this game are totally awesome running around the oldest house is claustrophobic and yet so grand in nature at the same time most of the spaces are liminal corridors or offices which are sometimes invaded by the casual hiss monsters most of the characters have this kind of uncanny nature to them because of course they would in a facility like this theres a lot to explore you can get lost at how huge this whole place is and I honestly would do it again a hundred times

all this gets into the next point

I dont play a lot of realistic art style games im more of a anime cartoon style man or some degree of illustration ish comic artist esque visual but when I tell you……. when I tell you that this game has probably the greatest visual presentation I've EVER seen on every video game ever would you trust me

some people in remedy really have some degrees in cinematography graphic design and art direction because damn this game is absolutely beautiful its BEAUTIFUL some cutscenes play in nonconvensional ways like using a lot of cinematography tricks here and there with lighting work and camera work most of the game is permeated with color schemes and use to the point that I cannot think of this game without thinking of the color red thats just how GOOD they made me neuronally connect this game to the color and thats what good art direction is all about

I would talk for ages about how beautiful and grand this game is but as a whole this is such an incredible step up from alan wake in every way shape or form the thing that I wanted from alan wake (a good sense of artistic direction and an identity in its design) I got it here and you won't believe how GOOD it is even outside of cutscenes and scripted event the oldest house plays a lot of visual wonders also because of its fucked up nature theres gonna be a lot of jawdropping shots and scenes just by walking around the facility and it's beautiful to get caught up in moments like this staring at awe at an inverted pyramid or the infinite void or a twisting room or a blinding amount of red I cant really get into words how special this all feels

most of the focus of the game is exorcising paranormal objects of power which is such a stupid premise like you will be against fucking fridges cmon but in that kind of absurdity the developers can play a LOT with unconventional elements of art design and im so glad this cake out as well as it did because every single part of this place as some degree of wondrous landscape to look at and remember this game plays entirely INDOORS and it has more variety and interesting aspects than alan wake that plays entirely OUTDOORD that's a damn huge improvement in this aspect at least

I could talk about the art direction of this game for ages so better stop now I cannot give you more details because I'm not competent enough to put the visual masterpiece that this is

somehow I gotta say that the gameplay also won me over . saw some people complaining about the whole battle system and shit but they're honestly WRONG this plays as a third person shooter but with superpowers wow and this then escalates into can sprint can throw objects telepathically can create shields can levitate literally youre gonna get an arsenal so big youre gonna feel like a god and you know what they also have ???

SKILL TREES THATS RIGHT i love skill trees and of course this game was gonna have a skill tree but I do think it's implemented accordingly you get materials from enemies and use them to get some upgrades on your weapons or on yourself

combat as a whole is tight as shit the enemy variety is hauntingly good theres a lot of different types of hiss enemies and you slowly learn to deal with them some way or another while doing all this paranormal godlike shit you can say everything about this battle system but it feels GOOD it feels so damn good to just annihilate everyone in a single room and coming out of the other way victorious I don't usually enjoy shooters that much so this is definitely the greatest compliment I could give this game it's just so so so damn good

there's some more puzzle esque elements but they're very scattered so that I wouldn't feel irritated and every single object of power interaction always culminates in some otherworldly things to do and I guess there's some kind of platforming but the real cake is always gonna be the exploration and the combat like these 2 elements could make or break an experience and I just think control manages to use its entire arsenal and throwing it at you

that to say people who hate the gameplay are cowards

there's a lot of stuff I want to say about control but I would go on and on and on about it forever and I wouldn't encapsulate the real wonder of what this game has to offer so you just need to play it for you to see you won't regret it

side note side quests are actually pretty fucking fun to do they always have some interesting shit to do like remedy is NOT messing around and I'm slowly working through them until I'm ready to play the DLC expansions

that fake ending got me I gotta say and the real ending is so anticlimactic i thought they were gonna fake end trip me again

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
