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October 29, 2023

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Since setting up RetroArch indirectly led to a nostalgic trip that I've been enjoying, even if the games were not that up to par so far (not you, Dynamite Headdy), might as well keep it going.

If you understandably can't tell from the title, Spartan Total Warrior is a Total War series spin-off. You know, that one series of turn based strategy games with real time tactics where battles are massive? Well, the interesting thing about this though, is that it's not a strategy game, but a hack n slash God of War-style game. I think the word "clone" applies here with both protagonist being Spartans, both using swords called "Blades of Athena", both ultimately fighting against Ares, and the combat being a similar washed down version without combos. Kind of impressive how they were able to get this out in 8 months from GoW's launch even if it's basically blatant plagiarism. That said, it does have something unique going for it because of the Total War influence, and that's the size of battles. In GoW you'd fight at most 10 enemies at once, here... it's like in the hundreds. This aspect is probably the most appealing thing the game has to offer, and it is admittedly satisfying to button smash through a whole army of enemies, specially with some of the later weapons you unlock. Kid-me thought that was the coolest thing ever, enough to make me play it religiously. Sadly, as you may guess, that's where the positives end, with the game being a bland tropey mess, so overall I don't have much to say other than complaining about how incompetent it is. Still recommending it though, since there's nothing that much offensive about it, and if you're a classic GoW fan I guess you could enjoy it (?).

Despite everything, I love that this exists by the randomness of it. Why did Creative Assembly make this, lol? Is it more random than making Alien: Isolation, though? Idk, but at least that game was good.

★★ – Bad, but playable ✅

Death n Destruction kinda nasty.